I don't think you have any idea how angry we are.
So you would institute an authoritarian bureaucracy like the one our founders despised and revolted against? You would completely disregard public opinion? You would bribe, threaten, reward and punish legislators -- with our money! -- to jam through an unprecedented agenda completely antithetical to our founding? You would saddle generations yet unborn with trillions in debt when your unfunded entitlements are already crushing us? You would redistribute trillions of American wealth in futile central planning schemes that can't work and have never worked in the entire history of the world? So you would destroy the greatest health care system in the world?
And, to top it all off, you would blatantly violate your oath to uphold the Constitution?

And we promise to pursue you and your ilk to the ends of the Earth. To unearth your crimes. To impeach those in power and to prosecute the rest. To unwind your Marxist schemes. To politically crush the Democrat Party and leave it as much of a force as are the Whigs.
What you are doing is nothing less than child abuse. Punishing the next generation and generations yet unborn. Which seems to be the only skill the Democrat Party possesses.
So enjoy these next few months. Anticipating that ambassadorship to Aruba. Or that cushy job on K street. Or some high-paying job as a bureaucrat in Fannie Mae.
Be warned. We will pursue you. And we will punish you. Guaran-damn-teed. It's not a threat. It's not a promise. It's an oath.
I'm in.
Let's roll.
Why not 2010? I'm in AND let's roll.
I am so in- let's start NOW~!
How about rope,tree,politician some assembly required tour?
Sooner or later, civil disobedience will be something we see every day. I cannot understand how the left can expect this to end up any other way.
Only fools and zealots like Pelosi can think they can do this and not have some kind of extreme blow back. My novel, a political thriller which was supposed to be a work of fiction, is turning into a history text. Set around 2015 in the second term of a President who thinks he is destined to rule the country describes the events surrounding a small community besieged by an aggressive federal government. Isolated and demonized as "domestic terrorists" they find themselves under attack. What they don't know is they are just one part of the President's plan to overthrow the nation. His allies include a corrupted Congress and a compliant media. The story travels from Idaho to D.C. to Russia where agents discover in some old files, much to their horror, they had recruited the president as a sleeper agent when he was in college. No longer interested in overthrowing America, they must decide how to warn the U.S. without destroying her themselves.
I wrote the original manuscript back in 1997. Back then the people who saw it laughed saying no way it would happen here. They aren't laughing now. I pulled it off the shelf in 2008 and published it. REVOLT www.revoltthebook.com
To me, this whole time period is a nightmarish sense of deja vu.
God help us.
Blog widget, please. I will post it.
Locked and loaded.
In for a penny and in for a pound. Will even bring my own tar and feathers...
Ed Mahmoud here.
Y'all relaize best case, absolute best case, 59 GOP Senators in 2011.
Ergo, Congress may sned a law to Obama's desk to end hell care, but will not have the 2/3rds majorities to both chambers to pass it over Obama's veto.
The House may vote out articles of impeachment, but we all know all 41 (minimum, more likely right about 50) Demonrats, and moles and RINOs like Olympia Snowe will never vote for a conviction.
The only real silver lining, GOP control of the committees can mean hearings, with sworn witnesses, for Holder and the DoJ on all nature of things, like the Black Panthers in Philadelphia. ACORN. The Sestak bribe. How Interior miraculously decided to give California's Central Valley their water back for 2 House votes. Pelosi's exhorbitant use of Air Force jets as sky limos and party busses. Census shenanigans.
But Holder will still own the DoJ, and will refuse to appoint special prosecutors, and will fire any US Attorney who bucks that. Oh, almost forgot, time to get former NBA star Kevin Johnson and Gerald Walpin under oath, and find out why Walpin was fired from his job as Inspector General.
Will the press report any bombshells that point out Obama and the Demonrats many trasons and corruption that come from House hearings? Probably not...
Now, if we don't nominate a loser (Obama having a primary opponent in 2012 helps, keeps Kos from sending his minions to monkey wrench the open GOP primaries) and can surpass the margin of ACORN style fraud, and get back the White House in 2013, then we can start prosecuting criminals like Obama, Rahm and Pelosi, and maybe pass a repeal of hell care, and fire the already hired and unionized HHS and IRS employees hired for Obama care.
I hope.
Ed Mahmoud here again.
I should have previewed. Bad spelling, mostly just finger fumbles, I hope it doesn't distract from the facts as I see it.
I have young children. I don't want violence. But it seems like I may not be the one who decides that.
I'm in...let me know how I can help, where and when
God Help Us
I've posted a link here.
Why wait for November...start the RECALL elections NOW.
When you do your taxes, don't forget to add in a deduction for YOUR bailout...enough to bring your tax balance due to ZERO. Let's see how far these bastards get without the fuel of our taxdollars.
"We shall never surrender!" (Sir Winston Churchill)
Freedom is not ours by blood if must be fought for by each generation" (President Ronald Reagan)
Stand tall, America. November is coming! (Gov Sarah Palin)
Guess what...
Insurance is haram. Forbidden. But of course, since we have separation of church and state, that won't make any difference...
Civil disobedience starting today.
Start with the census. Only fill out the number of people living at your residence.
They can only govern with our consent. If we refuse to obey them, that consent is removed.
I'm in.
Stole the art--sidebar with link.
In the sidebar and linked. I'm right with you, Doug.
Let's roll Baby!!
To Ed Mahmoud:
Our Founding Fathers faced incredible odds during the Revolutionary War. England was the world's reigning superpower at the time, with a well-organized and well-funded military. We were a bunch of rag-tag colonists, fueled by nothing more than the fire in our bellies and the desire to live as free men, deciding our own destinies. The men and women that founded our nation (and their families) endured unbelievable hardship, yet they never backed down or gave up. They acted in spite of their fear. And they won.
If you have young children, you actually have more responsibility to stand up and fight because you are fighting for their future. What kind of country do you want to leave them? One with a strong democracy that encourages its citizens to work hard to achieve their dreams? One that is fiscally sound? Or would you prefer to have them grow up to find a nation that is nothing but a nanny state, a socialist nightmare where every choice is controlled and your dreams mean nothing if the state does not approve? A country where economic stability is as much of a fantasy as freedom?
It shouldn't be a difficult choice to make.
"It is easy to take liberty for granted when you've never had it taken from you." -- Author Unknown
"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid." -- Dwight Eisenhower
"Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance." -- Woodrow Wilson
Ed. You have kids, I don't. Lay low and do the background stuff. If it must come to violence, I want to be the one out front rather than you. You know, tip of the spear, edge of the sword, spray of the skunk kind of work.
This goes for all of y'all with kids.
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