
Big Government Decrees Big Brother For Your Car: RWN
Stunning Bipartisan Rebuke To Obama on Libya mission: NiceDeb
Conservatives press Boehner on debt ceiling strategy: DC
Don't like Obamacare mandate? Earn less money: BlogProf
John Edwards indicted by grand jury: Does anyone care?: ITHM
How Low Can We Go?: AshbrookBailouts for Big Business, Bankruptcies for the People: RWN
Fiddling while Rome burns: AT
Obama plans victory speech for losing $1.3B on Chrysler: LoneCon
Dems too scared to produce budget: Pundette
Liberal Washington State Tries to Kiss Medicaid Goodbye: WSJ
UNEXPECTED: Socialism fails yet again: ColdFury
Walsh 'Disgusted and Discouraged' After Geithner Meeting: NiceDeb
FL Dems, Hispanics blast Obama's Dept. of Education: Tatler
Obama's Chrysler Lies: WZ
TSA Gets A Pat-Down on Screener Privatization: Foundry
Michelle's Next, Expensive, Taxpayer-Funded Vacation: HySci
Dan Wolfe Steps Up: VSAnthony Weiner’s college sweetie may have figured out the whole Weinergate scandal: IHTM
Anthony Weiner and the law's peril: Politico
Climate & Energy
Fabulous! Romney Believes in Man-Made Global Warming: BruceTeam Obama to push back anti-energy regulations in favor of politics; ‘Brownerites’ at EPA Steam: Tatler
Sigourney Weaver Tells Us The Secret To Stopping Globull Warming: Abortion On Demand: RWN
Markos Moulitsas: Daily Kos' Anti-Semitic 'Decline and Death of Israel' Not Offensive: AmPowerDaily Kos: Hey, You Know What America Needs? Sharia Law!: WZ
Jews Funding Jewish Annihilationists: Atlas
Progressive nut job vandalized Sarah Palin tour bus in New York – “I, the media whore”: FAM
Andrew Sullivan: Hey, Why Is Piper Palin Not In School?!? She’s On Summer Break? Oh, Never Mind: WZ
Palin ain't it either: Gormogons
Proof that S.F.’s circumcision ban Is anti-Semitic: TatlerAnti-Israel Activists to Converge On Israel Soon: LegalIns
Protective Intelligence Lessons from an Ambush in Mexico: Stratfor
Egypt: Tahrir Square Protesters Demand Sharia Law, Want Tourists To 'Respect' Islam: WZ
Coptic Bishop Warns Native Germans About Islam: “You´re up Next!”: Creeping
Socialist Spain Melts Down: No Money to Pay 70,000 Employees In Castilla-La Mancha Region: Mish
Why Daily Deals Are Becoming A Raw Deal: TechCrunchIBM Settles zPrime Lawsuit: Cravath
Social Listing Lets You Create Instant Classified Ads Right From Your Phone: TechCrunch
10-Year-Old Sensation Delivers Rousing Rendition of National Anthem at NBA Finals: BlazeFrance restricts mentions of Twitter and Facebook on the airwaves: GlobPost
The Official Anthony Weiner “My D*** In A Tweet” Video: WZ
Image: Weasel Zippers
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Stand with Paul Ryan to Save Medicare
QOTD: “I don’t think he should pull out (of the mayor’s race) on the basis of this. I still think that Twitter aside, his private life should not trump his public career.” — Ernest Gilman, 65, West Village
“He’s beating around he bush, the fact that he can’t say for certain that the picture is of him. I think the outcome of this might affect his mayoral run. If no questions are answered by that time it would have a very negative impact.” — Casey Fulgenzi, 23, East Village
(via AMNY on Weinergate)
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