
The President’s Grab for Dictatorial Power: Phyllis Schlafly
Obama, in His Sole Discretion: David Limbaugh
Pelosi Says Dems will ‘Absolutely Not’ Retreat from Obamacare in '14: TPNN
Rand Paul Has a Major Problem. His Name Is Ron Paul.: Tatler
The Great Debate – Article V – Arizona Leaders Offer Opening Statements: WFP
Illinois Democrat Introduces Bill to Register All Firearms: John Hawkins
Larry Sabato: Obama “is Going to have Another Bad Midterm” in 2014: FreeLight
Ted Cruz smacks down Harry Reid for attacks on Koch brothers: Scoop
A Waste - For Everyone But Obama's Donors: Carol Platt Liebau
How far we’ve come…: LI
Hot Mic: Lindsey Graham Offers His RINO Services To John Kerry: WZ
Work is Hard: Cold FuryMoney in Politics: Zuckerberg Calls Obama to Complain About NSA: Kruiser
Lobster-Eating Food Stamp Recipient Refuses Hannity's Job Help: FNI
Scandal Central
Voter Fraud Exposed if Florida, DOJ Sues to Keep it Going: HideoutCIA Benghazi vets ‘OUTRAGED’ after learning CIA I.G. never conducted investigation: Scoop
Obama withholds thousands of documents from Senate CIA probe, despite vows of help: McClatchy
Climate & Energy
Report: U.S. Electric Grid ‘Inherently Vulnerable’ to Sabotage: WFBThe Environmentalist Eugenics of the Left: Daniel Greenfield
Dennis Miller on Barbara Boxer: 'She Is an Idiot. She Is Bat Guano Crazy': Breitbart
AP, Dallas News, WashPo, etc., Lie About Ted Cruz’ Abortion Statement: MRCMark Levin goes on Cavuto to explain how Republicans went after David Jolly (R-FL): Scoop
Political Cartoon Sums Up Problem With Obamacare: TR
Breaking News Sourced by Social Media: Thomas Lifson
DUDE! Rep. Renee Ellmers gets into a heated debate with Laura Ingraham over immigration reform: Scoop
Why Does Ezra Klein Hate Gays?: R.S. McCain
Andrew Napolitano Punks Jon Stewart and His Panel of So-Called “Experts”: Patterico
NY Times admits Obamacare causes middle class suffering -- a year after the election: Thomas Lifson
Is This What Post-Partisanship Looks Like?: Molly Ball
Educating Conservatives About Modern ‘Shi’ite Quietists’: Andrew G. BostonPutin Is Poised to Invade Central Ukraine: Sara Noble
Was missing jet HIJACKED? US officials fear it was captured and flown to mystery location: Daily Mail
Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China’s Stealth Fighter: WFB
$3 Billion for Ukraine to Go Straight to…Russia: Blaze
Israel Ranked Best Middle Eastern Country to Live in as a Woman: Algemeiner
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Nine unopened Dead Sea Scrolls found: FoxMicrosoft poised to fight back as iPad generation shuns Office: Reuters
U.S. Military Given Secret “Execute Order” on Cyber Operations: FAS
Obamacare Art Appreciation Lesson #1: What's Art?: CubeObamacare: America Moves Into a New Dimension of Sound and Shadow: MOTUS
'Ban Bossy' campaign started by Hillary Clinton donor -- ahead of 2016 run: Ashe Schow
Sponsored by: Are you as sick and tired of Mitch McConnell as I am? Click here.
QOTD: "I’ve always said leftists are about not compassion or treating people with sensitivity and respect, much less equally, but control and bullying, all with an arrogant, mean-spirited air of superiority.
For Obama, there are at least two aspects to his control-freakishness. He not only pushes policies that give the federal government vastly more control over our lives but also is inordinately dictatorial in the manner in which he ramrods his agenda through, displaying utter contempt for what anyone else thinks, what he might damage with his unilateral actions and, most of all, the Constitution and the rule of law." --David Limbaugh
First title should read: "House passes bill intended to rein in Obama's Imperial Presidency (Imperialist reign).
What's up with Obama saying Ireland wasn't happy with Russian intervention? Seriously, how long until he quotes Prime Minister Count Rupert Mountjoy of Grand Fenwick as an authority on this as well?
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