
Massa may rescind resignation: GWP
Problems at the Top: JOM
Guess who's covering for Tim Geithner?: Malkin
You should be offended and repulsed: Hewitt
Lipinski flips to No on Obamacare: Hot Air
Federal Deficit for February is a Whopping $223 Billion: VirtuousObamaCare: It's About Government, Not Health Care: RWN
Bring the Post Office into the 21st century: Tapscott
ObamaCare Means a Two-Tier Health Care System: PJM (Lewis)
Jumping when unions holler: JRubin
It's a Trial Run for More Public Options: Ace
Climate & Energy
'These people are not scientists': EU ReferendumNSIDC: Antarctica Cooling, Sea Ice is Increasing: WUWT
Great moments in headlines, naked ballerina edition: DriscollHow the media spiked Suttongate: Cashill
Nice numbers, Rachel. Nice numbers, Keith.: IHTM
The Obama Parlor Game: What’s Wrong with Him?: JRubin
CBS Radio forgets to mention who slaughtered hundreds of Christians in Nigeria: BMW
Culture of Corruption: Part Deux: StateBrief
How to Make Defeatism Look Good: Let’s Give Up and Cheer the Islamists: BRubin
Dan Rather: Obama 'couldn’t sell watermelons even if you gave him a State Trooper to flag down traffic': BlogProf
Michael Moore's Jumping Jacks: Powers
Liz Cheney Was Right About The Al-Qaeda Seven At The DOJ: RWNOne year in and Obama doesn't have any foreign leader friends: AT (Moran)
The U.S.A.: Now Less Respected In the World: Times
Clarence Thomas Tortured KSM: LegalIns
How Do You Plead?: SIOE
Activists tell Obama to protect illegals: Times
Beeb Discovers Fundamental Human Right to Internet Access: RWN
Gendercide: Fausta
Muslim Officials Burn Ancient Timbers on Temple Mount: JOdysseus
Google launches tool for searching public data: CNetGigatweet: Nathan Reed
No One Knows What the F*** They're Doing (or "The 3 Types of Knowledge"): Jango SteveFinally Regretting That Tramp Stamp?: Moonbattery
Don't know why. Don't care why.: Treacher
Cincinnati Tea Party: Join the Protest at Driehaus' Office: Virtuous
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