Monday, March 01, 2010

To be (a lawyer) or not to be...

Larwyn received this "over the transom". Perhaps some of our reporters-in-training can give Biff Spackle a run for his money and chase down these leads. It's been a while since ol' Biff had a scoop, ya' know.

To be (a lawyer) or not to be...

Is the President's resume accurate when it comes to his career and qualifications? I can corroborate that Obama's "teaching career" at Chicago was, to put it kindly, a sham.

I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, and he did not have many nice things to say about "Barry." Obama applied for a position as an adjunct and wasn't even considered. A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach. The Board told him he didn't have to be a member of the faculty, but they needed to give him a temporary position. He was never a professor and was hardly an adjunct.

The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).

Consider this: 1. President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a "lawyer". He surrendered his license back in 2008 possibly to escape charges that he "fibbed" on his bar application.

2. Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993.

3. So, we have the President and First Lady - who don't actually have licenses to practice law. Facts.

4. A senior lecturer is one thing. A fully ranked law professor is another. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, "Obama did NOT 'hold the title' of a University of Chicago law school professor". Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago.

5. The University of Chicago released a statement in March, 2008 saying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) "served as a professor" in the law school, but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.

6. "He did not hold the title of professor of law," said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago School of Law.

7. The former Constitutional senior lecturer cited the U.S. Constitution recently during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.

8. The B-Cast posted the video.

9. In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: "We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in ourConstitution: the notion that we are all created equal."

10. By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them unalienable rights. The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

11. And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in the same speech?

When you are a phony it's hard to keep facts straight.

President Barack Obama - Editor of the Harvard Law Review - Has No Law License?:

I saw a note slide across the #TCOT feed on Twitter last night that mentioned Michelle Obama had no law license. This struck me as odd, since(a) she went to school to be a lawyer, and (b) she just recently held a position with the University of Chicago Hospitals as legal counsel - and that's a pretty hard job to qualify for without a law license. But being a licensed professional myself, I knew that every state not only requires licensure, they make it possible to check online the status of any licensed professional.

So I did, and here's the results from the ARDC Website: She "voluntarily surrendered" her license in 1993. Let me explain what that means. A "Voluntary Surrender" is not something where you decide "Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it?" and forget to renew your license. No, a "Voluntary Surrender" is something you do when you've been accused of something, and you "voluntarily surrender" your license five seconds before the state suspends you. Here's an illustration: I'm a nurse.

At various times in my 28 years of nursing, I've done other things when I got burned out; most notably a few years as a limousine driver; even an Amway salesman at one point. I always,always renewed my nursing license - simply because it's easier to send the state $49.00 a month than to pay the $200, take a test, wait six weeks,etc., etc. . . I've worked (recently) in a Nursing Home where there was an 88 year old lawyer and a 95 year old physician. Both of them still had current licenses as well. They would never DREAM of letting their licenses lapse. I happen to know there is currently in the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, Indiana an inmate who is a licensed physician,convicted of murder when he chased the two burglars who entered his home and terrorized his family into the street and killed them. (And I can't say I blame him for that, either.)

This physician still has an active medical license and still sees patients, writes prescriptions, etc. all from inside the prison. And he renews his medical license every two years, too. I tried looking up why she would "Voluntarily surrender" her license, but Illinois does not have its 1993 records online. But when I searched for "Obama", I found this:

"Voluntarily retired" - what does that mean? Bill Clinton hung onto his law license until he was convicted of making a false statement in the Lewinsky case and had to "Voluntarily Surrender" his license too.

As usual, all feedback -- especially rumors, innuendo and outright speculation -- is welcome.

Update on 3/8/2010: Most Transparent President Ever Has Illinois Bar Records Partially Redacted This Week, Leaving Only Trace of His Existence Some Old Videos (Betamax).

Linked by: Ace o' Spades and Confederate Yankee. Thanks!


Matt said...

Actually, my understanding is that Mr.Obama was President of the Harvard Law Review, NOT the Editor. The President is an elected position; that is, it is determined by popularity rather than just merit. It is also my understanding that the President of the Harvard Law Review is a figurehead with no real duties and/or requirements to write or edit articles.
Looked at in this way it seems oddly appropriate, no?

Anonymous said...

Litle Barry is a fraud and an illegal immigrant to boot.

Phil said...

"The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings"

That SO reminds me of this "Sorry I'm Late" video of Obama in the Senate:

Oh, and about Obama becoming a "professor" -- more research into Dr. Khalid al-Mansour is needed. For starters, see:

The_Bad said...

Phil - thank you for pointing towards that youtube video. It is so worth watching that I will provide a link to it for ease of view.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... there was a conservative at the U of Chicago that writes in Forbes(I can't quite remember his name now) that used to eat with Obama when he was there and all I can remember him saying was that he was pretty far to the left... he didn't say anything about him being unqualified or anything..

Brett_McS said...

Anonymous at 9:25 "... there was a conservative at the U of Chicago that writes in Forbes...".

Dr John Lott. When he first met Obama he introduced himself. Obama just said "Oh, yeh. The gun guy. I don't believe people should have guns".

John offered to discuss the issue over lunch. Obama just made a face and turned away.

Lott says he never met any other academic so uninterested in hearing different points of view.

This is from a recent podcast interview - can't remember which! (ACU?)

Anonymous said...

I'd just assumed all of that about Obama, anyway.

Master Typo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Master Typo said...

I hate being put in the unusual position of defending Michelle Obama, but I too resigned my law license and I know that at least I was not under any cloud. In my case, I no longer practiced and was unwilling to keep my license current as it required keeping up my continuing education. This required a time commitment I could not keep with my other work.

Masturbatin' Pete said...

The license stuff is interesting. Would have been nice to have the media actually, you know, look in to Obama's history with a tenth of the intensity with which they looked through Sarah Palin's garbage.


I'm a practicing attorney who went to a top-ranked law school. And this whole "Professor Obama" thing really grinds my gears. Always has. Here's why:

Lawyers write. That's what we do. Pleadings, motions, briefs, memos -- we get paid to write. With a few exceptions (low-level criminal defense) you're writing regularly.

So it's absolutely incomprehensible to me that someone would spend as much time teaching law as Obama did without publishing anything. He never even jumped on someone else's paper as a second author. We're told that Obama's a brilliant writer, that Dreams from My Father is so well-crafted... but Obama doesn't have a shred of legal writing to his name.

I doubt that adjuncts ever had an official publication requirement, but Obama still could have published something at some point. Hell, I have, and I don't claim to be a brilliant writer or thinker. It's just that... when you practice in any area of law for more than a year or so, you probably become the world's foremost expert on some extremely narrow area of the law. It could be mechanic's liens in Texas, or Massachusetts public procurement law. But there's an area where you know all the important cases and all the little tricks, traps, and pitfalls. You certainly amass enough knowledge to put together thirty double-spaced pages on the topic, enough for a short article.

The fact that "Professor" Obama never published ANYTHING, not even for a boring trade publication or bar association newsletter should astonish anyone who ever practiced law or went to law school. It's just so weird.

I suspect that he hasn't written under his own name because he either cannot, or just isn't interested in doing it. And I'm going to lean towards the former, because the latter would certainly have burnished his intellectual credentials in advance of his run for national (or even state) office.

An aggressive independent news media would have asked the questions "why is there no paper trail from Obama's career, which is writing-intensive?" and "why has this man published two books but has written NOTHING else?" Alas, we don't have an aggressive independent news media.

Anonymous said...

IIRC, in 2008, during the campaign, it was mentioned on some blogs (might have been instapundit) that Obama did publish a brief article at the Harvard Law Review, but it was nothing remarkable, just some boilerplate stuff about abortion rights. Also, I saw a post-election mention on another blog, which unfortunately i did not bookmark, of an interview with another HLR editor. She said that Obama was basically an absentee Editor and hardly did anything. No surprise there!

808soulsurfer said...

I like the article, but would like it more with links provided as substantiation. (like te B-Cast video quoted.


Anonymous said...


A friend of mine had dinner with one of the senior partners at Sidley who handled the hiring of summers. The hiring committee was vehemently opposed to bringing on M.O. as a summer associate, but was overruled, evidently due to pressure from above.

Once she arrived, M.O. proved to be an impossible prima donna with little interest in doing actual work. The partners got so fed up with her that she was shuffled off to "work" with Bernardine Dohrn, who didn't even have a license to practice law anymore! The word was that Zero was only slightly less useless.

They're both complete frauds in every respect.

--Fresh Air

SFC MAC said...

By all appearances, he never graduated, either. Let's see: a socialist empty suit foisted into the world's most powerful position by liberal morons who voted pigment over substance. B. Hussein is the quintessential Peter Principle.

MathMom said...

Anonymous at 12:25 a.m. -

Carol Platt Liebau is probably the person to whom you refer. She was on the HLR, I think Managing Editor, the year after Obama. She was familiar with his tenure as president of the HLR. She guest hosts on the Hugh Hewitt Show, and I recall the day she said this on the air. Here is part of what she had to say about his work ethic, which is the same thing you remember:

[Tom Pirelli was] the one who did most of the day to day work. Barack Obama was nowhere to be seen. Occasionally he would drop in he would talk to people, and then he'd leave again as though his very arrival had been a benediction in and of itself, but not very much got done.

Follow the link for the rest.

Anonymous said...

As an attorney, I can say that in my state if any attorney doesn't plan to practice anymore, they take "inactive status." They pay reduced bar dues, and do not have to keep up continuing education unless they come back to active practice. "Surrendering your license" means exactly that - you give it up. To practice again, you have to take the bar exam - AGAIN. No attorney in their right mind would "surrender" their license unless they had to, such as to avoid public disciplinary proceedings such as disbarment.

As far as Michelle surrendering her license in 1993, as I recall she was until just before the election actively employed as in-house counsel for the U. of Chicago hospital. In that position she would have had to be an active member of the bar, as she would be rendering legal advice to her "client" - her employer. I would be very interested to see a timeline of her work/bar membership relationship.

As far as publications go, it is really easy to get anything published in the legal field. The old joke goes: "Why are law reviews published? Because they can be." Many of the specialty journals are always looking for practitioners (or academics looking to build their publication credits) to submit manuscripts. The fact that Barack Obama published NOTHING is telling.

If his law school grades are sealed, it's because they SUCK. The very first question I was asked in every job interview (from giant top-tier law firms to small boutique shops) was: "what was your class rank?" If his grades were good, we'd never hear the end of it. Ergo, they were unimpressive or worse.

KHorn said...

Unless the records have changed recently, when I checked the Illinois ARDC site it says for Michele "Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law." Inactive is very different the surrendered, it just means you don't plan to practice in that jurisdiction, so you want to pay a reduced fee (or tax) and not take your CLE. For example, I'm admitted in both DC and Texas, but haven't lived in DC for 20 years, so I've gone inactive there, while keeping my Texas license active. Since she'll be in DC as First Lady until 2012 (hopefully no longer), I don't see anything unusual about her going inactive.

Anonymous said...

The Chicago Tribune Magazine published a story on March 22, 2009 that described Obama's job at the University of Chicago Law School as created just for him. Read it in The Ivory Tower of Power.

Sniffing out Obama's plan to return to Chicago after graduation, Stone and Douglas Baird, who was chairman of the faculty appointments committee, cooked up a plan of their own: They created a faculty fellowship slot custom-tailored for Obama and then invited him to apply for it.

I didn't know about this detail, but it's worth exploring further.

A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach.

I take it the source for this claim is the former colleague of Obama at the UofC. It sounds like it could be campus whispers.

Anonymous said...

FYI: Sidley Austin is the Chicago firm that represents the interests of Exelon(formerly ComEd) the major energy supplier AND People's Gas(the natural gas supplier).

Bill Ayers' father was the President of ComEd and a close friend of the Daley Family. Sidley is where the supposed top lawyers go to represent the Chicago energy sector's interests.

Shockingly, the energy companies always play ball with the political machine when it comes to raising rates on people that can afford to pay while customers will smaller incomes routinely ignore their bills because they know the City and State will pick up the costs for them.

That is how you get midnight food stamps grocery shopping in poorer neighborhoods, yet the food stamps card holders are driving $25,000 sport utility vehicles.

Unknown said...

Since she'll be in DC as First Lady until 2012 (hopefully no longer), I don't see anything unusual about her going inactive.

Neither would I, except that it was not reported that she "went inactive". She SURRENDERED it. And in 1993, more than a decade before her husband was elected to the Senate, much less running for Present.

Either she was supremely prescient, or she's hiding something.

I know which way I would vote, but 52% of America would probably disagree.

E Buzz said...

Well, this isn't shocking.

What is interesting to me is that that strawman the lefties created of Bush, idiot, Gentleman's Cs, not a man of letters, pushed ahead by privilege and fraud, not accomplished, bad with language, lunkheaded with foreign heads of state, corrupted with sleazy people all around him, drug addict, stolen election...

Well, that IS who Barry is, he IS who we thought he was. All of those actually apply to him.

It's incredible that it happened. Karma.

All those horror stories about manufactured consent and media manipulation were just dodges to blame Republicans and Conservatives, all the while they were using those tactics for guys like Obama.

It is incredible.

KHorn said...


Interesting change on the ARDC website. Reading earlier I could not get the screencap to show, but now I can (different computer) and the information on the ARDC has changed. Here is a link to what I found, since I'm not savy enough to do screencaps (and how many of you can handle a teletype, huh? So I got that going for me). Note that now it just says voluntarily inactive with no reference to last registration date. So who changed the record between May 09 and March 10?

Oxrock said...

If you go to the sight now and search for Obama, it no longer list the year last registered:

But search for Rothrock and note that Alexander has a year last registered still.

How did that happen?

Anonymous said...

Ebuzz said: "It's incredible that it happened. Karma."
So eloquent, so perceptive, so learned, just one example of how this discussion trumps all for reaching at the truth. There is no obfuscation here, no betrayal of impetus, no willful ignorance, no bad faith.
Wait a minute, did I just increase everyone's vocabulary here - 'only to confuse the public more my pretty' - drat!
In all honesty, this upcoming generation is going to see how deeply rooted are the problems on boards like this, and, God-willing, the hoard of you will be left penniless...
Hey, at least, you will have hoarded up all that Karma in good faith, right?

Linda said...

It seems Barry's selective service records are not up to snuff either and there seems to be varying records being sent out via FOIA.

On one of the latest records it shows that Barry's SS record had activity in 1991. Can any of you legalese tell us, does one have to submit selective service records as a requirement for the BAR?

NC Mountain Girl said...

Master Typo, Illinois did not have a CPE requirement for lawyers until just a couple of years ago. I know because I had moved out of srate and into a different field and gave up my license at that point.

Taylor said...

"At 9:28 AM , Anonymous said...

As an attorney, I can say that in my state if any attorney doesn't plan to practice anymore, they take "inactive status." They pay reduced bar dues, and do not have to keep up continuing education unless they come back to active practice. "Surrendering your license" means exactly that - you give it up. To practice again, you have to take the bar exam - AGAIN. No attorney in their right mind would "surrender" their license unless they had to, such as to avoid public disciplinary proceedings such as disbarment."

Thank you for saving me the trouble of having to write the same thing.

I passed the California and Washington bar exams, and even though I live in neither state now I just returned to active status in the former and remain inactive in the other. There's no way I'd just throw away all the time, money and skull-sweat needed to pass those exams in the first place when "inactive" is an option.

If you "surrender" your law license, it's because you screwed up big time (likely) or somehow didn't know about the option of going on inactive status (incredible).

In the next 10 years or so, two interesting things are going to happen: George Bush is going to be "rehabilitated" (it's already happening), and Obama is going to be exposed for the fraud he's always been.

tjbbpgobIII said...

Simple, in 2013 someone hire Obama as their attorney, maybe O.J. Simpson or someone else.

Anonymous said...

The previous poster was correct - Obama was President of the Harvard Law Review, not the Editor.

If you go to the website run by the Attorney Registration and Displinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois and search for the records belonging to Michelle and Barrack Obama, you'll find that her Illinois Registration Status is listed as "Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law - Last Registered Year: 1993" and her Malpractice Insurance status is listed as "No malpractice report required as attorney is on court ordered inactive status" (bolding added).

This says NOTHING about license surrender, and is the normal status for an inactive attorney.

This article seems to be very confused and FULL of errors.

Anonymous said...

You Right-Wing Nuts are a sad bunch of losers. Hahahahahahahah... the best you had was the moron George W. Bush and the war criminal DICK Cheney. Now you have the fat drug addict Rush Limbaugh, the cry baby Glenn Beck and the retard Sarah Plain. It's no wonder the entire country and the world is laughing at you all right now!!

Fat, white, dumb, redneck losers... Hahahah!

Anonymous said...

Here's the University on his status as a professor:

If you spent a tenth as much time looking for credible sources as you did digging through conspiracy wacko blogs you'd have found it quickly.

The more time you waste on insane crap like this, the harder it is to find common ground on things rank-and-file left and right agree on, like opposing the bailouts.

Dan Collins said...

I've mentioned this any number of times before, but this seems an apt place to do it again. Obama doesn't know any foreign languages at all. I'm not surprised that he doesn't know any well, but I find it astonishing that he doesn't have at least some basic conversational competency, since I am pretty sure that it must have been a requirement at Columbia during the time he was there, in whatever capacity he was there, at least for a standard Columbia degree.

commoncents said...

Thank You So Much for posting this!!!

I love your blog!!!!

Common Cents

J in Austin, TX said...

Original NYT Article confirming he was not editor:

"First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review"

Anonymous said...

"Nah nah na-boo boo, we hate you too." - The President.

Seriously, it was a list of nitpicks and semantics. Did posting about birth certificates get boring?

Anonymous said...

Folks he is an undeclared muslim. Do you have any idea of what that particular misrepresentation means? War, thats what, but using Alinsky tactics and with negligent msm here we are. But wake up because now is the crucial time to safeguard your heritage America!!!!!

Treason. There wont be any truth left in 3 years.

Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous @ 5:17 pm

You are an absolute moron if you believe that press release from the University of Chicago.

Obama lied about being a professor, and the university covered up his lie by granting him professorship, ex post facto.

A senior lecturer does not a professor make. Well, unless you are a commie who got caught in a lie; then, all your fellow travelers (professors and administrators at the university) come out of the woodwork to cover for you.

That's the way it is.

Click HERE for the article from the Chicago Sun Times that talks about the universities cover-up.

Anonymous said...


"the universities cover-up."

Should be:

"the university's cover-up."

Sorry about that---I have 2-year-old who likes to keep me distracted.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, unless we can identify the person quoted in the early paragraphs (the highest tenured law faculty member), what he is quoted as saying won't be taken seriously. Can you identify the individual and have him vouch for his comments? Otherwise we only have opinions from an anonymous source - not worth very much really.

Brian said...

People like Dan Collins above really need to read Snopes. They might learn that Obama lived in Indonesia as a child and speaks "passable" Bahasa Indonesia:

OTOH, this claim, that Dan says he repeats constantly, is on par with the quality of the claims in the original post.

Anonymous said...

You conspiracy theorists jump from one conspiracy to another with no "real" evidence to back up your claims. All you have is hearsay crap evidence to support your nonsensical arguments. It truly is laughable that you all believe this. No wonder our country is slowly being passed up by the rest of the world with people like you out there.

Anonymous said...

Cite your sources or BS.

Anonymous said...

So, the core of it is that you all believe him an unintelligent liar.
And it only worked out because the media didn't investigate him fully.
Somehow the cadre of money/time/investigators the republicans surely though at him or the clintons surely through at him in the primaries missed all of this though.
hahahahah.... what fools.
Your conclusion is that he was so unintelligent that he pulled all of that off to gain the presidency.
If you say so....

Rose said...

From - not a right wing publication by any definition -

Sen. Obama, who has taught courses in constitutional law at the University of Chicago, has regularly referred to himself as "a constitutional law professor," most famously at a March 30, 2007, fundraiser when he said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution." A spokesman for the Republican National Committee immediately took exception to Obama’s remarks, pointing out that Obama’s title at the University of Chicago was "senior lecturer" and not "professor."

Recently, Hillary Clinton's campaign has picked up on this charge. In a March 27 conference call with reporters, Clinton spokesman Phil Singer claimed:
Singer (March 27): Sen. Obama has often referred to himself as “a constitutional law professor” out on the campaign trail. He never held any such title. And I think anyone, if you ask anyone in academia the distinction between a professor who has tenure and an instructor that does not, you’ll find that there is … you’ll get quite an emotional response.
The campaign also sent out an e-mail quoting an Aug. 8, 2004, column in the Chicago Sun-Times that criticized Obama for calling himself a professor when, in fact, the University of Chicago faculty page listed him as “a senior lecturer (now on leave)." The Sun-Times said, "In academia, there is a vast difference between the two titles. Details matter." The Clinton campaign added that the difference between senior lecturers and professors is that "professors have tenure while lecturers do not."

We agree that details matter, and also that the formal title of "professor" is not lightly given by academic institutions. However, on this matter the University of Chicago Law School itself is not standing on formality, and is siding with Obama.

Phil said...

Snopes weighs in on this law license story:

FYI only, not a defense of Snopes or Obama.

Anonymous said...

If you remember, they had Schwarzenegger push the idea of changing the constitutional qualifications for the presidency. After people objected, they quieted down. They had to know sooner or later inconsistencies would pop up on Obama and to prepare for it, an immense ammount of nonsense had to be put together (I believe he has been in training for a long time). I also would like to say that on SNL they made jokes about how Obama made his name based on his debate skills. I completely disagree. I've yet to see him battle anyone, one on one like a Ron Paul for instance.

Kamo said...

My impression is that Obama was chosen to succeed George Bush as president fifteen years at least before the campaign for the 2008 election got underway.
He was chosen by the big wigs who pull the strings behind the curtain. BHO had to get a resume that would make him a plausible candidate. Remember how Bush's career was that of a failed businessman before he got into politics. BHO being much younger had to go to college so studying Law was an obvious choice. But knowing he would never actually practice Law, he wasn't studying hard, rather the opposite, lackadaisical I would say. Imagine you know you'll be put in the office of the president in a few years, would you study hard? All he did was fake it. Everything about him is fake.
Who said he made himself a reputation as a debater? He can't string two sentences to make a point. During his campaign his questions and answers sessions were dismal.
Then on to the Illinois senate. Read on David Icke's site how the Chicago Axelrod & Co worked to eliminate all the candidates and forced another to withdraw so BHO won not by a fair and square vote but by default because nobody else was left running.
Regarding the presidential election, there is some evidence that the assassination of rapper Tupac Shakur in 1996, who had announced his intention to create a third political party and run for the presidency in the future, was carried out to make it easier for Obama to get elected.

Anonymous said...

Okay I will agree with the writer that President Obama wasn't qualified to even be an attorney or the President of the Harvard Law Review! And he could have been very well lazy also. But if the new world order antichrist beast system wanted to make me President; they would find a way to do this to even somebody like me that doesn't have a college degree.

For they are the king makers of puppets! And Obama will take us further down the path of destruction because his puppet masters own him and have owned all of the other Presidents. And when Reagan fought them; they shot him in pure daylight like they did President Kennedy.

They have been killing and assasinating Presidents for 150 years now. And only the Great God of Heaven can and will defeat them after they have made everybody that they could take their zombie making Mark of the Beast chip.

And if you take that Satanic chip in your forehead or hand; it will curse your soul right into hell like Revelation's 14:9-11 says that it will.

Jeff Smithpeters said...

And so the Right continues to distinguish itself by denigrating the qualifications of a President whose only rivals are FDR and LBJ for success getting major legislation through Congress his first year.

Imagine Peyton Manning phoning Sports Illustrated and ESPN the day after the Super Bowl to complain that the New Orleans Saints were not qualified to be on the football field. They'd not impressed certain anonymous assistant coaches. A few of the players had not renewed their fishing licenses. So the Colts should be crowned NFL champions.

Honestly, you Righties make me laugh at times. If you guys weren't gunning to turn this country into a white supremacist theocratic plutocracy, you'd be the best comedy act going.

ericswan said...

Wow..two comments that are informed. I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

I am no defender of Obama.

But I did voluntarily resign my law license, because I was unemployed and could not afford to continue paying the fees.

In hindsight, that may have been a bad decision, but my state has two types of resignation, and when you resign to avoid having your license yanked you can tell.

Who knows why these two no longer have licenses, but not everyone remains convinced that retaining them at all costs is a good idea.

But it does reflect the general arrogance of the licensed pro: I am licensed, therefore exalted.

A good reason to de-affiliate.

Anonymous said...

Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume

Anonymous said...

All those that make this a left or right argument are fools. There is no left or right. The establishment is against us and they use left-cover or right-cover to get half the citizens to look the other way while all citizens are being screwed. Those who subscribe to either the left or right are fools.

Michelle Obama admitted, in a video about taking an AIDS test, that his home country is Kenya. Why has Barry Soetoro paid $1.5 million to defend law suits over his birth certificate when simply spending $20 to get a certified copy for his lawyers to bring into each court would do?

Regardless of the birth certificate issue, Barry Soetoro was adopted as an Indonesian citizen, and back then one had to renounce their US citizenship to become an Indonesian citizen. Therefore, he is no longer a Natural Born US citizen. To prove this, the kids from Haiti who are coming to the US are having their Haiti citizenship wiped clean. That's how it's done, and since Obama has admitted he was adopted in Indonesia and made into an Indonesian citizen, he is no longer eligible to become POTUS.

Lastly, the reason why his school records are sealed, is not because of poor grades (although I'm sure they were poor) but because his school records show he received scholarships as an Indonesian citizen.

If we are to ignore the Constitution's requirement to be natural born, let's get Israe's Ariel Sharon in here as POTUS. Sure, he'll have the best interests of the US Citizens in mind...

Anonymous said...

Michele Bachmann is a Republican Congresswoman from MN. She was a tax attorney. She is "not authorized" to practice law, "suspended for non-payment of fees" since 1/5/09. Maybe she could explain the reason why an elected official would let their license lapse.

Anonymous said...

I'm affiliated with the UofC, and I can vouch for the fact that a non-adjunct professor of law (who has worked quite a while for tenure) would be understandably irritated at an "unqualified" special lecturer such as Mr. Obama. So much so that their resentment, if combined with certain political beliefs and a temper, might lead to statements like the ones that form the backbone of this entire thought process here. And those statements might not be entirely accurate. Also, "not attending any faculty meetings" might be a side effect of his being a sitting senator at the time. Hmm.

I will also note that the University (as would just about any other institution nowadays) likes to play up its Obama connection. Tell me, why would you NOT want to say that he was a professor? It's dishonest, but don't turn that into a facet of a conspiracy theory - it's just another university trying to convert names into money.

As for Obama saying he was a professor, tell me, which rolls off the tongue better: "special lecturer" or "professor"? More people (from outside of academia) would know the second term better. Even if he was counting on the distinction in terms to get him some points, I can't imagine anyone voting for him specifically because he was a professor (rather than, say, a lecturer).

A murky record (quite like everything presented above) SHOULD NOT equate to a spurious one. To be frank, it is very clearly political bias that is leading everyone here to jump to "FRAUD! LIAR!" over this sort of sensationalist muck. It is the same reason people are happy to state that Obama is Muslim and foreign-born, and the same reason that people are somehow allowed to argue on major news channels that "terror babies" actually exist (a completely absurd notion).

I say this not as a liberal (I'm not entirely pleased with him myself on numerous issues), but as someone who hates to watch the collective reasoning power of OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY atrophying: keep your beliefs, but use legitimate argumentation to advance them.

I shouldn't have to be saying this. Half of you seem to be lawyers, for the love of god.

Sara said...

I understand that people want to sensationalize certain things, but there are some things in these comments which aren't true. Michelle deactivated her license. However, there were no hidden gotchas to that. She did it simply because keeping up with the educational requirements you need to do to maintain your license was unnecessary because of her commitment to public service and Barack. I know that some people don't like her, but Michelle really is a very practical person. She isn't the type to maintain a license she isn't going to use. It is really that simple. As for Barack, I think you need to talk to some people who like him. Everyone didn't. However, he was intelligent and very hard working. Lazy is NEVER a term you would use to describe him if you knew him. He is MANY things, but lazy is just not him. In fact, there was one point where he was working 4 or 5 jobs - community groups, boards, his regular job, etc. He is and has always been a hard worker - academically and professionally.

creeper said...

Masturbating Pete said: "So it's absolutely incomprehensible to me that someone would spend as much time teaching law as Obama did without publishing anything."

Pete, where is the evidence that Barack Obama ever taught anything other than that class the Board directed he be assigned?

creeper said...

KHorn @ 11:55

That link gets me an "illegal operation" screen.

Some serious revision of history going on in this country.

Franklin said...

"I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back, "

You gonna name names? Who is this faculty member? This story needs a more credible source.

Mike said...

So, is this supposed to be a fact-based article with verified sources? If so, be so kind as to name the "highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law", and the exact date of your interview "a few months back".

I am appalled at how easy it is for you right-wing extremists to make things up, or at the very least, embellish, and have your little sheep hungry for more blood and meat.

It's also ironic how you end your little piece of rumors, innuendo and outright speculation with the statement "As usual, all feedback -- especially rumors, innuendo and outright speculation -- is welcome.
"! If you weren't such a destructive force and so detrimental to our nation and civility in general it would be funny. But you are, and clearly it is not.

Mike said...

So, is this supposed to be a fact-based article with verified sources? If so, be so kind as to cite the "highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law", and the exact date of your interview "a few months back".

I am appalled at how easy it is for you right-wing extremists to make things up, or at the very least, embellish, and have your little sheep hungry for more blood and meat.

It's also ironic how you end your little piece of rumors, innuendo and outright speculation with the statement "As usual, all feedback -- especially rumors, innuendo and outright speculation -- is welcome.

If you weren't such a destructive force and so detrimental to our nation and civility in general it would be funny. But you are, and clearly it is not.

1389 said...

Barack Hussein Obama (if that is his real name) is not even literate enough to read the teleprompter fluently.

Is Obama mentally defective?

Ya think?

Anonymous said...

Notice how many people here get personallly involved and angry at the suggestion that obama is not the wunderkind he is presented as?

I wonder why some people fall for the cult of personality when it comes to politics. Crushing on a rock star as a a kid or being a fanboy (or fangurl) for Star Wars is one thing, but when it comes to not being able to think unemotionally about a stranger...

If you are still fooled by this man, ask yourself where the hard evidence is. Don't rely on "fact-check" sites.Really look at how obama treats others. Put your emotions aside.

Then think about the drones flying over our country, the military "rehearsals" in our cities, the TSA now on highways (not just airports) and train stations, and SWAT teams showing up at bloggers' houses. Think about your children and the debt racked up. And please, vote with your mind, not your heart.

Anonymous said...

It has always been common knowledge in emergency medicine circles that Michelle’s patient dumping at U of Chicago was a huge HIPPA violation-one there were allegedly big consequences. Didn’t obama have legal troubles after his Altgeld Gardens fiasco? I have always wondered what part that played in his licensure issues.
Btw Bill Austin of Sidley Austin was a well respected President of the Chicago Bar Association about the time the obamas graduated from law school. They may have filled their affirmative action quotas with people like michelle, but overall their attorneys and the firm in general is top notch.

Insurance Bad Faith Attorney

mg said...

It's not just the license - but it's also a license from Harvard. You know the one - Ivy League, a law degree coming from there is a blank check. If they did it on purpose - why did they think they no longer needed it for their futures? If I passed a milestone such as getting a law degree at an ivy league school & then passing he bar exam, the blank check that comes with that license would never be relinquished. And why would they be 'all in' for a life in politics at that point of their lives? Maybe now that they have that 30+ million dollar house in Hawaii it can make sense, but prior to 2008 it makes little sense.

Jimmie Jack said...

This can't possibly be true, can it? Surely the media would have talked to someone at C.U. and brought this out by now.

Storm'n Norm'n said...

Ref: Surely the media would have talked to someone at C.U. and brought this out by now. by Jimmie Jack

Do we really have such naive people as Jimmie Jack? Yes we do...and they all go to the polls and vote. There's certainly enough information in this post to warrant further investigation but the Jimmie Jacks of the world do not have the where-with-all to bother. There's certainly enough information here to warrant a sure loss at the voting booth for anyone with a background like Obama but the Jimmie Jacks keep their heads where the sun don't shine. When Jimmie Jack finds out that Obama and company are dyed-in-the-wool communists he'll find some reason not to believe it...and that reason will be,'the media never brought this out by now' Get a life Jimmie Jack, Obama is a fraud...get used to it because the media will never report it...they're on his side, or haven't you noticed.

Anonymous said...

No sources in this blog post, just biased, unsubstantiated second-hand rumors. It is easy to find the truth if that is your actual goal. They this for example:
If your goal is to propagate baseless rumors about a twice-elected president of the United States of America, carry on with your ignorant, uniformed rantings.

Anonymous said...


"From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School's Senior Lecturers has high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined."

Anonymous said...

When I go to the website and do a search on Obama, I can pull up the same information that is shown on your page, except for one little detail. That detail is on the registration status. The picture in your blog entry shows a date the license was surrendered, while the ARDC site is not showing this. Has this been scrubbed from the ARDC site or is the image in the blog photoshopped?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a new Oak tree will be named after this shady couple. Everybody knows he's a fake. WHO has the power to make liars POTUS? Scary.

Anonymous said...

You are blinded by hatred
It is a matter of public record look it up
Michele Obama requested to be put on inactive status

Anonymous said...

He didn't surrenderer it
He asked to be placed on inactivee status

Anonymous said...

I post as anonymous

Anonymous said...

Another idiot who doesn't go to primary sources for info

Anonymous said...

Don't see any names here, just a law professor or some other vague position who is saying this. Doesn't a reporter have to have sources? Why aren't there any names. Could this be made up? Just saying.

Anonymous said...

What a crock. The "President" of the Harvard Law Review is the editor. Student articles are not signed because they are considered the result of a group effort - including several editors as well as the original author.

Both Mr. & Mrs. Obama decided they wouldn't practice law again. They realized they wouldn't be able to take the required CE units to keep their licenses enforce. So they turned them in.

The University of Chicago Law School is on record that Mr. Obama was considered to be a professor and was offered the opportunity to join the tenure track. He declined. The idea that a rather obscure person would teach there for ten years because of pull or influence is obvious nonsense. Famously, in Chicago politics Mr. Obama was the guy nobody wanted because nobody sent him.

Regressive haters always must find the most complex explanation to justify their elaborate conspiracy theories. Macco's Razor doesn't work well in the world of reality.

WilliamLayton said...

I thank all who posted here---it is perhaps the best discussion on Obama I have read.
It does not change my stance of opposition to his ideals, It is, however; very good.

Truth Teller said...

He speaks his native Kenyan dialect fluently - I've seen a a YouTube if it. He also mastered Arabic from his time at madrassas. At Columbia, he couldn't take a language as it conflicted with his hip hop dance class.