Kagan Nomination

Is Elena Kagan Morally Blind?: AT (Lewis)
Kagan Bobs and Weaves on Natural Rights: Tapscott
Assimilation and the Founding Fathers: MalkinKentucky Dem exploits law to loot taxpayers: PJM
Dems 'deem-and-pass' $1.1T budget to keep overspending: BlogProf
Daley’s Newest Stab at a Gun Ban: RWN
Media Matters' Witless Defense of Kagan: RedState
Union Dues: Dems Rip Off Taxpayers Again: RWN
Hope for Change in WV Election: Ace
If You Want to Immigrate Here: AT
Repeal the 20th Century -- Or the Welfare State: AT
Create more jobs by firing public sector workers: MishJobs No American Can Do?: PJM
Will Euro-Zone Stress Tests Really Calm the Waters?: Sargen
Overseas Jobs: What went on while we slept: Dinocrat
Paul Krugman's Depression Economics: RCM
The Obama Tax Trap: WSJ
Climate & Energy
Issa Report Slams Government Incompetence in Gulf Cleanup: FlAcesClimate Bill Would Destroy Millions of Jobs: PJM
Obama Lied, the Coastal Region Died: GWP
IPCC consensus on climate change was phoney: NatPost
Feds shred another $100M of our money on 'home energy assistance': BlogProf
Nixon Era Warming Documents Send Alarmists Into Orgasm: RWN
The Kos-Surber Research Poll 2000: SurberSo What’s Wrong with Research 2000’s Polling?: PJM
Indonesian Filmmaker Drops Scene of Young Obama Praying Towards Mecca: GWP
Media Blackout for Black Panthers: Times
Today's 'Nothing More Can Be Said'...: iOTW
Faced with internal strife, Democat Underground starts clamping down on Obama criticism: WashExam
21 Dead In Massive Shootout Near Arizona Border: GWPAfghanistan was not always so: Hanson
Harvard Prof: 'Obama is a menace to Israel, to Western Europe... and to [all of the] Western World.': TAB
War Zone: Drug Cartel Shoots at Blackhawk Helicopter; El Paso Court House Hit: GWP
Canadian Recruiting Office Bombed by Left-Wing Terrorist Faction: AmPower

NASA = No Americans in Space Anymore?: ATObamaCare's High Risk Pool == FAIL: RWN
Democrats push for new Internet sales taxes: CNet
I think I've got the Pelosi Perplex Figured Out: AmDigestQueen Elizabeth II, Obama, Cameron, Biden and Powell walk into a bar...: TAB
One Step Over the Line: MOTUS
Image: CNet's Friday Poll: Microsoft's Biggest Product Misstep?
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate - Fire Harry Reid!
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