
Every Single One: Eric Holder's Politicized Compliance Section: PJM
No charges against Prosser; time for Bradley to step down: LI
More Tales From the Over Regulated State - A Series: Graybeard
Obama Rips Off the Scabs: RWN
The Shape of Schemes to Come: Wizbang
The Language of Socialism: CNS
White House Sources Dish on Michelle Obama: JWF
Bachmann's claim about Waters backed up by... Waters: Powers
IL Loses Most Jobs in Nation After Huge Tax Hikes: FoundryObama’s Job-Killing NLRB Strikes Again! : RS
Buffett to host high-profile fundraiser for Obama: CNN
Percent of young people employed is lowest ever: GWP
Keynesianism’s Collapse: Blumer
10 products that defined Steve Jobs' career: AP
Climate & Energy
Romney: On Second Thought, Maybe Humans Aren’t the Cause of Climate Change… Mostly: MalkinOil industry group's ads target Obama on Gulf drilling in key battleground states: Hill
The New GM: a Report Card: CNN Money
Faith and the Fishwrap of Record: MalkinKinky Friedman on Rick Perry: ‘Hell Yes’ I’d Vote for Him: BG
The narcissistic delusions of the Leftist: Bookworm
This Week In Quotes: August 19 – August 25: RWN
Jamie Radtke's RS Gathering Speech: Riehl
Comic Aims to Correct the 9/11 ‘Big Lie’?: Big Hollywood
Obama had that weird light around him...: BSfootprint
Photoshop of the Year: Driscoll
The Media's War Against Dick Cheney: NB
Which Way for American Military Power?: LoudonSino Mil Sec 2011 Report: RWN
Obama Justice Department Shuts Down Gibson Guitar For Breaking One of India's Laws: GWP
Protect and Defend the U.S. from EMP Threat: Foundry
What the Left Fully Understands: Pundette
Fukushima caesium leaks 'equal 168 Hiroshimas' : Telegraph
New BlackBerry phones to support Android?: CNet"Apache Killer" tool spotted in the wild: Net Security
HFT Quote Stuffing Market Manipulation Caught In The Act: ZH
How can you put a price on an Obama vacation?: MOTUSFound In Gaddafi Compound: Photo Album Filled With Images Of Condi Rice: Mediaite
Who says men can't multitask? Man busted for simultaneously driving, drinking beer, having sex: TSG
Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Allen West for Congress
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