
11th Circuit strikes down Obamacare mandate: LI
Perry: Here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...: Ace
Democrat wastes no time taking advantage of super post: DC
The Debt Panel’s Profligate Pork Patty Murray Problem: Malkin
Rick Perry to Kick Off Campaign Saturday: Malkin
Michelle Obama Spent 42 Days on Vacation in Past Year: Dossier
Michelle will campaign for Obama Victory Fund: Newsbird
Palin: I am still considering a run for President: Scoop
Obama Pats Self on Back for 150 Jobs at $2MM Each: PowersConsumer Confidence Crashes – Worst Since Carter: GWP
Obama's Regulatory State Marches On: Tatler
Wahhh: Some trade unions to boycott DNC-2012: Toldjah
Carney's Idiocy: Mish
Et Tu, New York?: Dossier
Privatized Currency: It Might be Happening Already: Vodkapundit
The potentially great Medicare reform that could have been: RWN
Democrat Fat Cats Charge Taxpayers for Vegas, Maui Vacations: Uncov
Gunwalker: U.S. Attorney Won’t Grant Victim Status to Murdered Agent’s Family: OwensObama Forcefully Rejects Calls For Holder To Resign Over “Fast And Furious”: Dollard
Was WaPo Slow on the draw on Fast and Furious? Of Course Not!: WaPo
Climate & Energy
CAFE Standards: Central Planners Target Your Cars: PJMHoping For a Hybrid? Seriously? : Dewey
NY Times: You Aren’t Buying CFLs Because You’re Stupid And Don’t Know Better: RWN
Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up: Bayonet
With New Coal Rules, Obama's EPA to Devastate Already Weak Job Market: TAB
Let’s Replace EPA With Employment Protection Agency: RS
Obama: We Must Put Country Over Party… Now If You’ll Excuse Me, I Have a DNC Fundraiser to Get To: PowersDebate's Biggest Loser? Chris Wallace and Fox: AT
Recovery Summer!: Klavan
John Roberts Is No Fool: Taranto
Jay Carney, Professional Hack: BlogProf
Dems' TV ad in Iowa attacks GOP front-runner Romney on day of straw poll: Hill
‘It Can Never be the Public’s Rejection of Liberal Ideas’: Driscoll
Moonbat Math: RWN
Former Child Star Corey Feldman Lifts the Lid on Hollywood Pedophilia: RWN
Collectivism: Didn’t Work Then, Won’t Work Now: NoisyRmLondon Calling: The Endgame for the Welfare State Has Begun: Peters
Pakistan: "800 women were victims of 'honor killings'--and 2,900 women raped--almost eight a day": JihadWatch
Can Data Breaches Kill?: Dark ReadingProject Run-a-Way: The Craziest Combat Outfits: Wired
Google Jumps Into Online-Law Business With Rocket Lawyer: Forbes
Kicking Ourselves In the Ass: MOTUSSome Days the Jokes Write Themselves: Powers
Obama Readies Citizen Spies For Action: Alt-Market
Image: Eric Holder, via Pat Dollard
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "This man is a hypcocrite, an egocentric louse, a liar, and a thoroughly unpleasant personality. He attacks, attacks, attacks, attacks -- and then says that the problem is politicians who attack." --Quin Hillyer
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