
Legal Obedience: Williams
More irenic thoughts, or Obama as Dukakis: Instapundit
You Need ID in D.C. to Get Sandbags, But No ID to Vote?: RWN
18 seconds of raw class warfare: Althouse
Marxists Come to the Wild, Wild West: NoisyRm
The guy the sharks fear: Post
Ground Zero Imam backs free speech ban and sharia: Atlas
TSA officer allowed drug dealers to bypass airport security: Scoop
Why Obama Can't Support A Real Jobs Program: ForbesOpen Letter to GOP NLRB Member Hayes: Please Resign Now!: LUR
Obama's Labor Pains: IBD
Inconvenient truths getting in the way of the “inherited” meme: Hot Air
"Ridiculous" Admin. Blocks Modest Medicaid Reforms in IL: Forbes
The Ugly Truth of America's Welfare Class: Flopping Aces
Climate & Energy
Five EPA rules that will cost more than $1 billion: ExamResearchers identify 26 past scares analogous to the global warming alarm: PJM
Bachmann lashes out at environmentalists: Press-Herald
Obama Finally Makes Good on a Promise: The Sea Levels Are Dropping: Ace
Another bad day for the Church of Global Warming: Toldjah
Highway 12 at Mirlo Beach in the OBX - Wiped out: Brutally Honest
Where Next for Obama?: SolwayInciting A Race & Class War To Achieve Dictatorship: Sword
Santorum rips Ron Paul's "shockingly misguided" views on 9/11: Marathon
The Left Cries, ‘You’re a Racist if You’re Not Us’: Driscoll
Why Is Pamela Geller Faking Quotes?: Ace
Actual Headline: 'President Works in Golf During His Working Vacation': JWF
Dem Rep. John Lewis Claims Having To Show ID Before Voting Is A “Poll Tax”: WZ
Tingles Smells Racism in Declining Number of Whites Supporting Obama: NB
Pint-Sized Marxist Robert Reich: America Is “Imperiled” By Lies From Fox News, “Not Because We’re Broke”: WZ
September 23: The Beginning Of The End For Merkel... And The Eurozone?: ZHDrug Gangs Control Half of Mexico: Borderland Beat
Pics From the Front: WZ
Tony Blair’s Sister-in-Law Incites Muslims to “Liberate” Jerusalem From The Jews: WZ
Only In Israel: Atlas
Conrad Black: Canada, America, and the Rationale Behind Our Changed Relationship: ConstAlley
Show of Force: Images From the Abu Dhabi Arms Fair: WiredApple working on a TV set for 2012?: CNet
Cheat with Science: Why Smart B-Ballers Bank on the Bank Shot: Wired
Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Onyango Hits Cop Car Drunk; Asks to Call White House: GWPObama Takes Charge at FEMA: Appoints Megazord Power Ranger Hurricane Czar: MOTUS
First Legal Food Truck Now Operating in Detroit After 60 Trips to City Hall for Permits: BlogProf
Image: The Feral Irishman
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "Since 2003, Texas has become a model for national tort reform. That year, the state enacted a $250,000 cap on medical liability for non-economic damages... That reform in particular helped free Texas from excessive medical-malpractice insurance premiums that had driven many physicians out of state...
And he continues to push a loser-pays system to discourage frivolous lawsuits, barring judges from finding new causes of action from the bench and expediting trials for litigants with legitimate claims.
No wonder the tort bar is quaking. And what an encouraging sight to see so much agitation." --'The Guy the Sharks Fear'
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