
Job Openings -- at DHS: iOTW
ICE: Yes, We Freed More Than 2,000 Dangerous Illegal Aliens: CNS
Schumer's Gun Bill Prohibits Gun Loans, Registers Firearms: Reason
Gang of Eight in Retreat; Afraid to Introduce Its Amnesty Legislation: RWN
Obama’s insults expose his ignorance and mental laziness: Bookworm Room
CPAC: Renegade Republican Predicts Obamacare-Debt Ceiling Standoff: PJM
IG Report Shows Viper’s Den at Justice Department: CFIF
VA wait times mean some die before getting care: ArmyTimes
What's the Problem with the Whale?: P&FObama Scheduled to Take $359,500 Flight Today: Geraghty
Faster Would be Better: Instapundit
World-Class Coward John Boehner: House Will Fund Obamacare in CR: CNS
Another Obamacare Surprise: Job-Killing Fees: Mead
Dear Paul Geiger: SCC
Scandal Central
What happens when you pass laws based on stupidity: Cold FuryLaw and Disorder: Hapless Obama Announces Arrest of Dangerous Illegal Aliens He Let Go Last Week: JWF
Sen. Lindsey Graham: I’ve talked to the survivors from Benghazi and they’ve been told not to talk: Scoop
Climate & Energy
An Order From Obama Puts Another Boot On The Economy: IBDKrugman Wants Climate Realists Punished In The Afterlife: Cove
Solyndra, Fisker, Tesla Not Enough: Obama seeks $2 billion in research on cleaner vehicles, fuels: AutoNews
Is the Washington Post looking at Rathergate II?: PattericoBeware of the New Elites: Rasmussen
Ted Cruz talks to Cavuto about his questions to Dianne Feinstein: Scoop
Text Of The 'Blog Of The Year' Acceptance Speech: Ace
The Miraculous Recovery Of Gabrielle Giffords: Western Rifle Shooters
Steve Harvey: 'Hollywood Is More Racist Than America': Hollywood Reporter
Morning Schmoe Scarborough: Why is Ted Cruz ignoring the Heller Case That He Won?: Hot Air
CPAC: Debate and Dissension are Desirable: Elephant
CPAC Confrontation--- How Many Black People Are Here?: Lid
WH Press Secretary Speaks Dismissively To Female Reporters: WZ
Cruz Control and Powerless DiFi: Babalu
Secret Service Slams Obama: Clash
Obama: I Was Against the 14 Additional Missile Interceptors In Alaska Before I Was For Them: AceSpring Break, Sexual Predators, Cartels and Your Kids: Norris
The Real Housewives of Cairo: Reuters
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Stuxnet is much older than we thought: SymantecWhy the United States Is So Afraid of Huawei: MIT Tech Review
The Israeli hacker who saved Facebook — twice: Times of Israel
New Sequester Diet Cuts Royal Food Tasters: MOTUSBuilders unearth Medieval plague victims in City of London square: Guardian
Titanic Musician’s Salt-Stained Violin Found, May Be Auctioned: Bruce
Image: The Miraculous Recovery Of Gabrielle Giffords
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: 24-hour Real-Time News
QOTD: "I’m speaking from experience when I tell you that there is nothing on this green earth that a liberal progressive fears more than a black American who wants a better life and a smaller government." --Allen West
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1 comment:
Townhall is bad, but Fox News is worse. Whatever they're doing in the background on your first visit of the day is so time-consuming I use the delay for a bathroom break. It's obnoxious and rude to dominate a visitor's computer like that.
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