
Tempers flare in Senate health care debate: Riehl
Told to applaud, slept instead: GWP
The Rhetoric of Failure: Doc Zero
Medal of Honor Recipient Ordered to Remove Flagpole: SIGIS
Terrorist asks for dismissal using 'Constitutional rights': Atlas
Making the Taliban-Al Qaeda counter-strategy easy: AT (Smith)
A badge of shame for Virginia: RSM
Most transparent W.H. ever blocks partycrasher testimony: STACLU
Cato: True Cost of ObamaCare is $6 TRILLION: MorrisseyWhat the Dubai Default Means to US: Wizbang
Quote of the day: Fair Share: Gina Cobb
Heck of a Job (Policy), Barry!: iOTW
Trickle-down poverty: PJM (Hawkins)
Dems to march on DC to protest their own failed policies: GWP
Baucus, yep, the GOP is right, it will cost $2.5 trillion: Ace
GOP Litmus Test: Reagan’s 10 Unity Principles: No Pasaran
Radio Free America: R&RDid Obama lie to McCain -- or CBS?: Riehl
'Biggest Loser' Outdraws Obama?: JWF
Climate & Energy
The Crime of the Century: Doc ZeroAll the president's ClimateGate deniers: Malkin
ClimateGate: Best Headline So Far: Wizbang
EPA used ClimateGate Data, Work is Suspect: PJM
Ike's Response to ClimateGate: Eject Eject Eject
Phil Jones: Victim: Ace
Fraud discovered in ClimateGate computer code - part 2: BlogProf
Checking the Footnotes: JOM
December 7, the Trailer: TABUh oh, he's losing his German base: Driscoll
U.K. Cancer Death Rate Is 38% Higher Than In U.S.: Morris
Why the Swiss Were Right to Prohibit Construction of Minarets: PJM (Storhaug)
The other aspect of Afghanistan: PJM (Belmont)
Whoops, there it is: bug-out date written in stone: Ace
Copenhagen hit by wave of skepticism: Shadowlands
Europe Reaction: Swiss Accord? .... oui: Atlas
Bing Maps Beta gains much richer images: CNetAcer: We'll have the first Chrome OS Netbook: CNet
Tiger's Christmas Card: TaxmanInvitations? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Invitations!: Michelle's Mirror
Daily Scoreboard: Surber
Those tempted to compare global warming to a religion should consider that religious faith does not require the willful suppression of knowledge. Calling the belief in global warming a “religion” is an insult to religion. It’s a mistake I have made in the past, and I owe the faithful of all religions an apology for doing so. -- Doc Zero
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