
They Think You're Stupid: Latest Public Option Ploy: LegalIns
Dingy Harry's 2010 Suicide Mission: JWF
Was Dem Health Care Strategy Written In Federal Pen?: BigGov
The Next Sneak Attack: Morrissey
The Streams Have Crossed: Ace
Drudge's Middle Column Captures the Times: C & S
Soldier imprisoned after killing AQ terrorist: BMW
Is America headed for an explosion on Main Street?: Riehl
We're from the government...: Maggie's FarmGoldman's hedge strategy for Cap-n-Trade: the EPA: Zero Hedge
Words Fail: BizzyBlog
Obama: Health Care Reform Is Our Jobs Program: York
FedSpeak Translation: Denninger
Here's What's Next: CBullitt
Taxpayer-funded NPR tells Mara Liasson to stay off Fox News: GWPMSNBC on ClimateGate: Fingers in Ears While Singing 'La La La La La La...': NewsBusters
What You Should Know About Obama's 'Safe Schools Czar': CrazyUnk (Image, Language Warning!)
The Same, Yet Different: Crittenden
AP: 'A workshop on government openness is closed to the public': Surber
Krugman on Copenhagen: JOM
Truth to Power: JOM
Funniest SNL Skit of the Year?: McClatchy Watch
Friedman to Gregory: Islam Needs a Civil War: HNN
Climate & Energy
Shhhh... don't tell the trees!: WUWTClimategate? The EPA never heard of it: PJM
Climate Change Hoax Photo o' the Day: JWF
Time for Keith Briffa and Phil Jones to Go Directly to Jail: AmDig
Phil Jones Has 'Gone Underground': BMW
Copenhagen: Behind the sleazy science, rotten economics: PJM (Rosett)Hondurans pull off a coup against Chavez: PJM
Your tax dollars and Copenhagen: Riehl
Administration forgot they told military to defeat the enemy: Aces
Copenhagen's Carbon Kerplosion: Fausta
Experience Counts: S, C & A
Iran Revolution Day 168: Iran Police Surround University: Atlas
Chicago Perpetrator of Man-Caused Disasters Charged in Mumbai Massacre: JWF
'I said he was a terrorist,' says roommate of Jihadi that Murdered Professor: Atlas
Why Startups and Web Innovation Need Net Neutrality: BizWkTell AT&T where iPhone service blows: BizInsider
Monster's Power-Line Networking: InstaPundit
A Real President Giving a Real Battle Speech: AmDigTiger had me in the rough: News of the World (UK)
Massive Hit in Pee-Wee Football: Viral Footage
Daily Scoreboard: Surber
Kennedy Center: Doo Wa’s and Hoo-ha’s: Michelle's Mirror
I'll never wash my right hand again: Jawa
The Sinful Secret of the Brown Bed: C & S
Cartoon Credit: Barking Crayon
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