
Holder: DOJ Doesn't Discriminate in Favor of My People: Patterico
West: WI Dems 'cowards', akin to 'deserters': Atlas
Public Sector Unions Undemocratic, Unfair, Unsustainable: RWN
Unions vs. Unions: P&F
NJ: fire paratransit workers who stranded passengers: Wrinkles
A 'staggering level of duplication' in federal spending: TapscottKoch Brothers Lay It Down: We're Facing Economic Doom: RWN
Walker Unveils Budget Containing Deep Cuts: Ace
Democrats: Obama must lead on budget!: Politico
Ryan: House GOP will lead where the President has failed: Cubachi
“Educate, collaborate, AGITATE!”: Alinsky’s teacher corps: Malkin
Obama's Flexible: You Can Implement Single-Payer Faster!: Foundry
How Tax Competition Restrains the Politicians: Cato
Gold Reaches New Record High... MSM Silent: ZH
Climate & Energy
One measly deepwater drilling permit: Hoo-freaking-rah: MalkinMiddle East madness makes energy winning issue for the Republicans: PJM
San Francisco “Low Flow” Toilets Cause $114 Million Fecal Jam in Sewer Lines: RWN
Sarah Palin: Even Conservatives Duped by Liberal Media Branding: Big JournalismReich To Rich: Redistribute Or Risk Angry Populace Turning On You!: NewsBusters
A Political Ad is a Moral Document: Surber
Outside Job: Using the Oscars to legitimize a political theory: Zombie
Ruth Marcus and the 'Where's Waldo?' President: RWN
Charlie Sheen Trainwreck Has Ceased to Be a Laughing Matter: AmSpec
Couric, Stephanopoulos Party at Home of Convicted Pedophile, Pimp (Update: Couric Responds): Verum
McClatchy News Fuels ‘Phantom N-Word’ Story With Contradictions and Errors: Big Journalism
CAIR Pressures Tennessee Lawmakers to Drop Key Counter-Terrorism Bill: BigPeace
What's Involved In Setting Up A No-Fly Zone Over Libya?: AceCongressman King: Subpoena the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA): PJM
Dead Zero: "The way of Islam is the only way, the predestined way...": AmDigest
Iran’s “Forgotten” Revolution for Democracy Becomes a Genocide: RWN (Caution: Graphic)
Louis Farrakhan Crawls Out From Under a Rock To Bash The United States : Lid
UK: Christians Now Considered Unfit For Foster Parenting: RedState
11.6 hours survey scam spreads like wildfire on Twitter: SophosThe Ocean of the Streams of Story and the Golden Record: AmDigest
SSDs, encryption and decommissioning: Sophos
Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money: AmDigestMichelle, Jill, Jay: Meet the WTF’s Booster Club: MOTUS
The U.S. Does Not Have a Monopoly on Rednecks: Ace
Image: People's Cube
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Palin 2012 Presidential Campaign Slogan Winners
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