Monday, August 08, 2011

Exclusive Photo: Actual Cause of S&P Downgrade and Market Meltdown Discovered

Thanks to David Axelrod, John Kerry, Howard Dean, and President Obama, we now know the true cause of the U.S. debt crisis, S&P's downgrade, and the resulting economic turmoil.

It was not a Democrat refusal to address entitlement reform. Not a failure of the Democrat-controlled Senate and President Obama to proffer a budget for more than 800 days. Not a "one-time, emergency Stimulus", the most aggressive spending increase in world history, that is now built into the baseline budget. Not a refusal to acknowledge the repeated failure of Keynesian economics. Not passing the most expensive entitlement program ever -- Obamacare -- which passed in the dark of night so Americans could "find out what's in it". Not a massive, command-and-control takeover of the financial industry -- Dodd-Frank -- with a bill so immense and complex that even today no one can predict exactly what it will do to banks and insurers. Not scores of bureaucrats in the EPA and the NLRB, who are shuttering businesses large and small.

No, none of those things were responsible for the debt crisis and downgrade. This was:

So now you know.

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