
Blue Civil War: Mead
Rand Paul Stopped Talking Last Night, But...: Instapundit
The World's Largest Banana Republic: Sowell
Cruz: No Teleprompter Was in Front of Rand Paul: WS
Drone Strikes in America: Bracken
Let’s Build on the Paul Filibuster: DLim
The Chart Lindsay Graham Should Have Actually Used: Sooper
Why Lindsey Graham Isn't Acting Like a Worried Man: NatlJrnl
Boehner-Obama Deals Produce $2.5T New Debt in 2 Years: CNSMinimum Wage Laws: Economically Harmful Because Immoral: ObjStd
Krugman on the National Debt: Clownish: Foundry
It's official: Fed says Obamacare causes layoffs and hinders hiring: WyBlog
Rotten to the Core: The Feds’ Invasive Student Tracking Database: Malin
80 Percent Of Recent NYC High School Graduates Cannot Read: CBS-NY
Scandal Central
Attorney General Eric Holder is Criminally Dangerous: CFIFBREAKING: Colorado Rep. Rhonda Fields’ Rap Sheet Longer Than Previously Reported: RS
Chuck Todd on OFA Fundraising: ‘This Just Looks Bad’: WFB
Climate & Energy
NYT shocker: Global warming averted impending ice age: AceMedia
The media’s approach to Rand Paul’s filibuster: pretend it never happened: BookwormBrett Kimberlin Calls Blog Bash Venue, Vows to ‘Put You Guys Out of Business’: RSM
Old GOP bulls to Paul: we were gonna vote against Brennan, but because of you, we’ll now vote for him!: Wisdom
Rush Limbaugh interviews Rand Paul on the filibuster: Scoop
CNN Gives 8 Times More Coverage to Beyoncé Lip Sync Than Obama Sequester Lie: NB
How the White House silenced gun control groups: Politiho
Beyond the Flip-Flops: Cruz"Yes We Can" - Al-Qaeda's English Mag Publishes Wanted Dead or Alive List: Joshua
US to honor Egyptian who 'praised Hitler, terror attacks': Times of Israel
Michelle Obama, John Kerry Set to Honor Rabid Ant-Semite Who Celebrates 9/11 Like It's Christmas: Ace
#Hackers #Hack My Twitter Account As I Try To Clear Up This Ibrahim Mess With the State Department: Ace
#Hacked Again: Ibramhim Announces She's Not Apologizing To No Damn Jews: Ace
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Browser choice - How a "technical error" cost Microsoft over $700 million: SophosChrome; Firefox; IE 10; Java; Win 8 fall at #pwn2own hackfest: SC Mag
Clues of Life's Origins Found In Galactic Cloud: Slashdot
The Miserable Adventures of McCain and Graham in History: MorlockSequestering the Filibuster: MOTUS
'Failure to Fire' on Joe Biden: OG&M
Image: The People's Cube
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: BadBlue Gun News - the Latest News on Firearms
QOTD: "As an indication of the problems created in part by minimum wage laws, last November the Associated Press reported that 14.3 percent of blacks—and 40.5 percent of black teens—were unemployed.
As significant and as clear as the economic problems caused by minimum wage laws are, however, the economic problems are not the fundamental issue. The economic harms are a consequence of the immorality of the minimum wage laws: The laws violate individuals’ rights to property and contract. Employers have a moral right to run their businesses as they see fit, free from government interference, so long as they do not violate the rights of others by force or fraud. Both employers and prospective employees have a moral right to negotiate their terms of employment, free from government interference. Minimum wage laws violate the rights of both parties.
So long as most Americans believe it is moral for the government to prohibit the free negotiation of wage rates in order to “help” the poor, the economic observation that minimum wage laws throw many low-skilled workers out of a job will not alter the policy. Only when Americans recognize that the minimum wage laws are immoral—immoral because they violate people’s rights—will Americans come to oppose these laws deeply enough to call for their abolition. Only then will justice and economic sanity prevail." --Ari Armstrong
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