Saturday, March 09, 2013

"The Colorado Committee for Gun Violence"

This is a rhetorical question, of course: Will a day come when Democrats actually employ history, logic, facts and reason to craft policy?

Someone came by searching for “colorado committee for gun violence.”

Since every restrictive gun law in history has resulted in more violence, that is essentially what any individual or group who favors restrictive gun laws favors.

More violence.

As this graphic excerpted from the Bureau of Justice Statistics 2011 Crime Victimization Survey shows, violent crime is down by 74% since 1992... The only crime that has shown anything but a decline is simple assault, essentially ‘two guys getting it on.’

Permissive gun laws are responsible for that sharp drop in violent crime. And those who want to strengthen gun laws are begging for a return to the high crime rates we had before 1993.

A cursory review of the adoption of concealed carry laws in the U.S. would convince a sane person that an armed society is a safe society.

1 comment:

Doom said...

But, that IS the point, to increase violence, and crime, to get the low-information voter to elect them, so that they can 'do more for the people', while, as with these policies, making it worse, in a never-ending cycle that inexorably leads to genocide.

Get out! The demographic bomb has gone off, there isn't a way back out of this until it comes to a head. Let the low-info's learn to fight for their survival, then if they create a holding, help them in some way. But they aren't going to fight until a lot of them... learn... the hard way. It would be useless to die for them, only with them. But before that happens, they will have to decide to live, and fight for it.

Get out of this country until they have learned and decided, if they decide to live, and as free men, and to relinquish "rights" some of them should never have been allowed, that is.