
Oops. Children Face Less Coverage Under Obamacare: Foundry
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Please do not adjust your set, Obamavision is now active: WyBlog
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NYT: Conservatives Want States To Go Bankrupt So...: RWNChicken Little and the national debt ceiling: Thomas
First They Came for the Teachers: Reason
No longer masked--Obama: workers must share in profits: LP
When States Go Bust: WklyStd
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Look who makes RomneyCare/MassCare’s waiver decisions: Malkin
Obama offers $775M in cuts for $1.5T deficit: Hill
Florida Gov. Rick Scott: Slash taxes by $4 billion: CNN
Climate & Energy
Will California Legal Action Give “Cap and Trade” New Life at National Level?: RWN‘Big Oil’ Rescues ‘Big Moonbat’: Malkin
New Climate Alarmist Movies About To Hit As Animals Freeze To Death And Barry Eats Well: RWN
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CARB Before Horse: IBD
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Olbermann Rumored to be Joining Gore's Struggling TV Network: NewsBusters
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Friend of Shariah: GaffneyGOP seeks return of tens of millions in overpayments to... United Nations: USR
Afghan Red Cross worker with one leg set to be hanged for conversion to Christianity: AT
Egypt: Christian Leaders Says Main Engine Fueling Uprising Is the Muslim Brotherhood: WZ
Clinton welcomes Egypt's new Muslim Brotherhood overlords: Creeping
Democracy or Jew-Hatred? More Evidence of Anti-Semitism at the Egypt Protests: PJM
Women in Cairo Street Scenes: a Troubling Photo Essay : INN
American Foreign Aid Is Making Things Worse: SAB
Sexual Prey in the Saudi Jungle: Eurasia
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Things That Get Passed Around: Denny (Must Watch)Buzzkill: Detroit mayor shoots down idea for Robocop statue: Jalopnik
The Diamonds -- "Little Darlin'": Parkway
Image: Maktoob
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The U.S. Report
QOTD: "Hillary Clinton is welcoming the Muslim Brotherhood in discussions about a new Egyptian government. The Mubarak government is reaching out to it as well. I wonder what those who invoke the American Revolution and other disconnected historical events to justify their blind support for events in Egypt -- which they can neither accurately define or explain -- think about this. Actually, my guess is they're unmoved by this knowledge as they are motivated by doctrine and ideology, not reason and experience. They'll downplay it and the Muslim Brotherhood's effectiveness. But for the rest of us, it is important to pay attention to history, experience, and facts. To support these events as a democracy movement is to miscomprehend the words democracy and movement.
We all hope this turns out well. Who among us would not? And there's no doubt that democracy is preferred to tyranny and that an untold number of Egyptians seek democracy. But now is not the time to throw prudence and caution overboard but, rather, to embrace them more firmly. The tyranny of totalitarianism, of the sort that took power in Iran and Gaza during the last "democracy movements," demands it. While the situations are not identical, they're close enough. Moreover, it is hard to imagine the Obama administration competently handling this extremely difficult matter when it has demonstrated incompetence in matters of far less complexity and import. Indeed, the president's amateurism has already revealed itself in his public statements." --Mark Levin
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