
Government of Sociopaths: Sultan
The "grand bargain" as campaign ploy: Greenroom
Why We Don't Recover: CityJournal
CA-36 Special Election Guide: Huey vs. Hahn: Zombie
Bachmann Responds to Pawlenty Comments: NRO
Great News: Friday's Anemic Jobs Number Are Likely Bogus: JWFDemocrats Propose Surprising, Innovative Method of Deficit Reduction: Ace
Our Retreat From Prosperity: AT
The Coming Collectivization of American Health Care: PJM
Social Justice: Obama and the Left's Not-So-Hidden Agenda: AT
Newt Gingrich: 'This is the Obama Depression': Note
U.S. Must Borrow $5K per Family to Fund Govt. Through 9/30: CNS
The Facts About Stimulus Spending: Reason
Unions and the Democrats, America’s political Ponzi scheme: IHTM
No Answer From White House on Involvement in Fast and Furious: RWN'Fast & Furious': Fast & loose: PittLive
The Government's Gunrunners: Post
Climate & Energy
Follow the Money: The EPA, ATF, DOJ and POTUS Under The Radar : BabaluUN Says ‘Going Green’ Will Cost $76 Trillion: S&L
“Carbon Sunday” – The madness in Australia over the Carbon Tax: WUWT
Think Progress Hacks Can’t Read but They Can Lie: VSDo we really wonder who we’re dealing with?: ProWis
The Wisconsin redistricting maps are out: RS
Group Behind "The Marriage Vow" Removes Slavery/Family Reference From Pledge And Apologizes : Ace
Hume: "Obama Justice Department Reminds Me Of Nixon Justice Department": Aces
Lawsuit: Sheila Jackson Lee Tormented Disabled Ex-Aide: Lid
NY Times Thinks Economy Runs Thanks To Government: RWN
Video of NBC's David Gregory: The President's Economic Policies Have Failed: BlogProf
This picture is worth 2 trillion words: LegalIns
ATF Tampa Division Walked Guns to Honduras and to MS13 Gang Members: GWPFigures. Obama Administration Sides With Lebanon’s Hezbollah Government Over Israel in Border Dispute.: GWP
New Australian law to make Muslims lift veils: MyWay
Top Jihad Website Hosted From New Jersey: Creeping
US goes after agents who moonlight for Mexican cartels: GlobPost
Argentina Charging Economists: Mises
Global Warming: a Primer: Power LineHP fiddles while Apple innovates: CNet
Former White House Staffer Fights Obama Obesity Efforts: NatlJournal
Our First Salutary Tax Revolt: AmSpecAspen's Dirty Little Secret -- Its Airport: AspenTimes
The 25 Documents You Need Before You Die: Yahoo!
Image: The People's Cube
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Michele Bachmann for President
QOTD: "Anyone harboring any doubt over who is repsonsible for the failure of a “grand bargain” must consider Pres. Obama’s record. He avoided the debt before the election. After the election, he submitted a budget so absurd it got zero votes in a Democrat-controlled Senate. [Indeed, Senate Democrats have yet to submit a budget of any kind.] He has not moved from the positions he staked out in April. His position is not balanced, no matter how much the White House and the establishment media try to spin it as such." --Karl at the Greenroom
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Democrats: Vote for us and you’ll get a share of someone else’s sacrifice.
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