The President has yet to release a spending plan. Senate Democrats have yet to release a spending plan.

A downgrade is likely no matter what comes out of current negotiations. Specifically, Standard and Poor's has indicated a $4 trillion deficit reduction package is necessary by Aug. 2 to avoid a downgrade...That simply is not possible given the president's aversion to genuine spending cuts -- evidenced by his failure to table concrete spending cut proposals -- and the insistence on no new taxes by many members of the Republican House caucus.
Stand strong, Speaker Boehner: the House of Representatives has done its job:
• The Republicans passed a plan that avoids a downgrade by the rating agencies while raising the debt ceiling.
• The Republicans passed the 2012 Ryan budget that saves the dying entitlement programs.
Any economic spasms felt as a result of this reckless spending is the fault of three people: Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who piled more debt on the backs of the American people than any President and any Congress in history.
And 2012 is coming.
1 comment:
obama pelosi reid and soros, it is like the lord of the rings:
Four commies to rule us, four commies to bring us, and in the darkness bind us
Bind us all in their insane world of tyranny and subjugation.
Up their arses
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