
A Secret Weapon to Save Defense: Thiessen
Sarah Palin’s Bus Tour Re-Launching in Iowa Thursday: Malkin
I do begrudge the president his ritzy vacation: Pundette
Palin Knocks It Out of the Park: Greenroom
Last Stand for Pawlenty in Iowa?: Ace
The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama: Hanson
The Rise of the Mob Has Begun Here Too: RWN
Why Chris Christie will never be president: Pipes
Unions Lose BIG In Wisconsin Recall Efforts: RWNHow High Will Gold Go?: Azizonomics
Why QE3 would be totally useless: Mish
The Return of Mr. Green Jobs Boondoggle: Malkin
Losers vow to waste more money trying to recall Walker: Hot Air
Union Thugs Attack Networks, Desecrate Funeral Homes: RWN
Climate & Energy
Death of a carbon salesman: Chicago Climate Exchange: WUWTAshley Judd: Saving the Environment with her Toaster Oven: RedCounty
AGW Today: Boiling Flipper And Empowering Women: RWN
“Jimmy Carter Is the best-case scenario.”: VodkapunditNewsweek editor: I don’t get it, what’s wrong with our Bachmann cover?: Hot Air
Rep. Peter King Asks For Probe Into White House Role in Osama-Obama Propaganda Movie: GWP
Are Obama's Fundraisers A Form of Ego-Rejuvenating Therapy?: Ace
The Peculiar Madness of Paul Krugman: RCM
Robert Reich: Americans Too Stupid to Understand More Massive Stimulus and Deficits Are Good for Them: BlogProf
White House Promised There Would Be No Photos From Dover… They Lied: GWP
Obama’s Problem According To Maureen Dowd: No Villains: RS
MSNBC: Obama campaign already planning for loss in Ohio?: Marathon
Photos Of The Fallen: Americans Killed Aboard SEAL Team 6 Helicopter In Afghanistan: WZLondon riots: the underclass lashes out: Telegraph
Economic Uncertainty Leading to Global Unrest: CNBC
They’re Rioting in Britain: But Why? The Bankruptcy of Liberal Ideology: PJM
"The breakdown of the family lies behind all other urban dysfunction.": Maggie's Farm
Class Warfare Erupts Into Just Plain Warfare: AT
New Construction Material “CO2 Structure” Could Serve As Alternative To Concrete: CrunchAT&T’s T-Mobile Bid Should Be Rejected, Consumer Watchdog Tells Regulators: Bloomberg
Twitpic Founder Launches A Massive Twitter Rip Off: Insider
Exclamation Point ... Exclamation Point: iOTWLooking to anger cops? Then get a tattoo like the one on this perp's face: TSG
British Degeneracy on Parade: City Journal
Image: London Daily Mail
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "Only in Washington could a plan to increase the national debt from 65% to 80% of GDP in less than a year and a half be called a 'debt reduction' deal." --Jack Wakeland
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