
Deconstructing SlutWalk: Zombie
Harry Reid’s Three Senate ‘Super Committee’ Picks Are…: Malkin
Allen West: Swing-District Firebrand: NRO
Paul Ryan to Run Ads In... Iowa: Ace
Obama-Linked Dem Strategist: We Have To "Kill Romney": WZ
A Pyrrhic Defeat: ProWis
Michelle Obama Takes Secret Vacation to Oregon: Dossier
Did Biden Out SEAL Team 6?: IBD
A crisis of confidence in economy — and Obama: Pethokoukis"Not Much Further We Can Cut" & The Dog That Didn't Bark: Ace
Obama's New Gifts to Organized Labor: WSJ
The "Tea Party Downgrade" slander cannot stand: Blumer
While America Sinks, Obama Raises Boffo Reelection Bucks: RWN
You stay classy Verizon strikers!: WyBlog
Reid appoints Patty Murray -- DSCC Chair -- to "Super Congress": TAB
Radical Leftist groups target St. Louis banks and energy companies: Unified
KS Returns $32M ObamaCare Grant, Plus More Bad News for ObamaCare: Cato
Climate & Energy
Obama Regime Attacks the Transportation Sector: RWNMidwest to lose another coal plant to Obama's rogue EPA: Virtuous
Another Reason Green Technology Isn't Ready : PACNW Righty
Want Proof of How Democrats Would Shut You Up, Tea Partiers?: RWNPresident Downgrade: Instapundit
About that plane over S&P...: Fortune
Michele Bachmann vs. liberal women on Newsweek covers: Hot Air Pundit
Newsstand sales of US magazines down 9 percent: AP
Gallup: Obama loses three points overnight, economic confidence plunges to 2-year low: Hot Air
Dems Beginning To Fear That Obama is Unelectable: Lid
Daily Scoreboard: If edition: Surber
Doorbell: Power Line
16 Countries Side with Justice Department in Lawsuit Against Alabama: NumbersUSAWhite House Cleanses Israel from Website: WS
Why Is Nobody Talking About the $1 Billion Bet On US Downgrade?: LoneCon
London-Santiago: Coincidence or convergence?: Fausta
US helicopter crashed in Taliban trap: Afghan official: AFP
Clear and Present Danger: Time for a National EMP Awareness Day: Foundry
Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like : WSJAntimatter belt discovered around Earth: WUWT
Behold the fan that muffles itself: CNet
Drunken Ben Bernanke Tells Everyone At Neighborhood Bar How Screwed U.S. Economy Really Is : Tea Partiers'Lucky' woman who won lottery four times outed as Stanford University statistics PhD: DailyMail
Cash seen flying out of Porsche before fatal accident: Trib
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Please support Allen West for Congress
QOTD: "Think how much he could charge if he weren't destroying America MT @kimiwillingham: Dow drops 634 & Bam is taking $15,000 pics the same nite."
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