Sunday, March 10, 2013

GRAPH: 400,000 Years of Warmal Colding

In the extremely unlikely event that anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming is actually occurring, it may be rescuing us from another Ice Age: terms of the geologic time scale, human history is the blink of an eye compared the 4.5 billion year age of the earth. The end of the last ice age, a monumental, undeniably non-anthropogenic warming event, happened about 12,000 years ago; to a geologist it may as well have happened a week ago last Thursday. Yet climate scientists rarely address the implications of that warming event on their modern-day warming theories.

But this week, a new study came out which alarmingly concludes that CO2-forced temperatures are at or near their Holocene (post ice age) maximum... data from the Vostok Ice Core ... affords a look at the last 400,000 years of earth history, encompassing several ice ages.
...The top graph shows CO2 concentration in the atmosphere; the bottom one shows average temperature departure from the 1950 value. Two observations are readily apparent:

• For the last 400,000 years at least, "normal" = "COLD!"

• The warm periods are but brief interludes between ice ages. Wild temperature fluctuations were common before any possible impact of human civilizations. The anomaly is the stability of the moderate temperatures during the Holocene, the last 12,000 years (indicated by my red arrow), when warm weather fostered the development of human agriculture, cultures and civilization.

Consider what a global ice age would mean. Cincinnati, OH and points north would be under a glacier hundreds of feet thick (not necessarily a bad thing, in the mind of some readers and SEC football fans). Agriculture would be impossible in North America. The planet could sustain a tiny fraction of its current population.

Given the writings of the more extreme Climatards (which is the term they prefer, I hear), eradication of the "Human Virus" is the goal.

Hat tip: BadBlue News Service.


William Teach said...

Warmist says "No, you see, those other warm periods were natural, but this current one has a massive increase that can only be due to mankind's use of fossil fuels by Other People. Why? Because I say so due to what people like Michael Mann says. He gets lots of government funds to find this stuff, so, he obviously has a vested interest in it.

Oh, and you must be a flat earther and believe in Creation, and you're obviously funded by Big Oil and the Koch brothers."

Or something like that.

angrymike said...

Very insightful, I saw somewhere today the smog in china, we cant change what their doing so I don't understand what these morons are talking about. An ice age would be bad, so if we are helping to control the climate with CO2, its a good thing, right?

Doom said...

It looks like what I had always heard, from the non-bought scientists. CO2 follows the temps, up and down. Further, that downdraft we are about to get comes on pretty quickly. The Rusky scientists were right and continue to be right. They've been betting on a cold snap. Of course, the pace is slow enough to see everyone alive well into the ground.

As for the chart showing more springiness in the latter part? I wouldn't give 'green house gasses' or at least AGW the "credit". I would chalk that up to not having as much, or as reliable, data from the past. And I question all data being offered today. Unless you can honestly show that weather stations are correctly placed, that smoothing or other manipulations haven't taken raw data and completely rewritten it, among other things, then you really can't trust modern data.

Just can't. And I am positive that most prohibitions against honest data have been employed. That is probably the baseline at this point, like the rigged GDP numbers, inflation (which doesn't account for many foods, gas, heating costs, etc!), and other econ numbers. Bleh.

Anonymous said...

400,000 years? Bwaahahah, you have to be kidding me. REcords go back about 5,000 years. Keep your religion out of this garbage. There is no such thing as 400,000 years ago.

Doom said...


You lefties are so anti-science. What do you think ice and possibly soil and sediment type data delivers? You are amazing pieces of work, not even worth the time, this was just for the fence-sitters.

Anonymous said...

CO2 concentration just reached 400ppm, please add that to your graph, in 400,000 years we never ever had such a high concentration of CO2.