• The 1929 World Almanac Reprint: amazing glimpse of a bygone era. I have no idea if this is still reprinted, but every page is a revelation.
• American Caesar: the ultimate biography of Douglas MacArthur. Fantastic.
• Crisis and Command: an outstanding history of the power of the Executive.
• Unhinged: how Democrats politicized 9/11 starting about seven minutes after the catastrophic terrorist attack.
• Culture of Corruption: if you want to truly understand the Obama administration, you must read this book.
• John Adams: the classic biography of perhaps the country's most important founder and our second president.
• Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton: fascinating biography of the first Westerner to visit Mecca.
• The Fair Tax Book: a look at our future (I hope). The most compelling book about taxes you will ever read. I guarantee it.
• A Distant Mirror: Europe in the 14th century, complete with Great Plague, knights on the rampage and corruption.
• A Confederacy of Dunces: the quintessential outsider's novel (fiction).
• Soul on Ice: A rebel comes of age.
• Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: native Americans and the expansion of the continental U.S.
• O, Jerusalem: in the shadow of the Holocaust, the maelstrom that led to the founding of Israel.
• The Gulag Archipelago: life in Stalin's Democrat Utopia.
• Moscow, 1812: Napoleon, denied.
• Flags of our Fathers: Iwo Jima and the heroes who saved our country.
• Six Frigates: the founding of the U.S. Navy under Jefferson -- told in as exciting a fashion as you could imagein.
• 1776: one year that changed the world -- a phenomenal book.
• Admiral of the Ocean Sea: the Pulitzer Prize-winning story of Columbus and his discovery of the New World.
• The Way Things Ought to Be: Rush Limbaugh's timeless classic.
• If it's not close they can't cheat: Hugh Hewitt's compelling advice for conservatives.
I only have about 4,800 more books to cover. Just let me know if this is a waste of time.
If you want to understand what Obama and Rahm and their leftist associates are up to, you have to read this book.
It's never a waste of time to offer up some compelling literature. Reading is a great use of time. I have burned through hundreds of books including "The 500 Year Leap", "The Real George Washington" and countless others that bring the true history of this country into crisp perspective. I will take a shot at some of those you have listed as well.
I love book recommendations like this. Since you are one of my favorite bloggers, I would trust your reading lists. No, doesn't mean I would like every book, and no one should expect that with someone else's recommendations, but it's wonderful to have someone whose opinions on politics mirror our own, put forth some reading ideas.
Thanks, for these, and for the blog.
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