
Nigerian scam artists move to DemCare fraud: RWN
The Dreadful Equation: Doc Zero
Minority Minority Report: StateBrief
To be young, socialist and racist: Frederick
Teabonics: Obama Zombies Protest Palin: AmPower
Public unions make a private sector power grab: WashExamThe Euro States of America: Crittenden
Government Motors repayment fraud: Times
Obama on 212: Langbert
Tough mom fights back against unions and Quinn: Marathon
'The unions truly still don't get it': LVRJ
Climate & Energy
Rubbish, or When Good Intentions Fail Miserably: PattericoMore Global Warming Profiteering by Obama Energy Official: PJM
Climatard rescued just before freezing to death: BlogProf
Politics Suspends Critical Thinking At The Times: JOMJump! How High?: WashReb
Who's the Prophet Now: CBullitt (NSFW)
Townhall Magazine featured profile: Michelle Malkin: Hot Air
L.A.Times Publishes Anti-Tea Party Smear From 'Concerned Citizen'-Unidentified Radical Feminist: AmPower
Oh, now I'm totally cool with Bill Ayers: Hindenblog
Black Republican Rebukes Michael Steele: AT
My, how the Left hates strong conservative women -- Jan Brewer Edition: AT
Nevada: Now it’s the ‘People’s Truck!’: BigGovt
Should Puerto Rico Become Our 51st State?: SIGISComic Depictions of Mohammed: Knowing When to Hold and When to Fold: Greenroom
Update on the sunken South Korean ship: Patterico
Obama Is Enabling Nuclear Breakout: AT
Top Islamic Site Calls for the Final Jihad: EuropeNews
JPost Editor-in-Chief uses 2,600 words to tell us he's absolutely clueless: JPost
Today, We Are All Israelis: Ledeen
Increasing the danger in a dangerous world: VodkaPundit
Tribute to the $100 trillion man: WashExam
Stephen Hawking Warns Against Being Friendly With Aliens: MediaiteBlue Marble (Planet Earth): RWN
Postal-themed PDF spam: Sophos
Love, the Pope, and C.S. Lewis : Avery Cardinal DullesJourney of Redemption: Brutally Honest
Who's Dressed Better?: HillBuzz
Image: EuropeNews.
Today's Larwyn's Linx Sponsored By: Remember November.
QOTD: "Anyone who can cross our border is a citizen -- anyone who can climb in your house is a family member.
This is how liberals think." -- Anonymous
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