New York Times, 13 March 2003, Iran Plays the Waiting Game: "It's a remarkable study in Middle Eastern contrasts: as Saddam Hussein scrambles to deceive the West about his illegal weapons, Iran, like the proud father of a precocious child, decides to show the world that it has a new underground uranium-enrichment lab... and the country's program is likely within two years of building [nuclear weapons]."
New York Times, 11 August 2005, Iran's nuclear program: A crisis of choice, not necessity: "The growing crisis over Iran's nuclear program can be averted if the precious lessons from Iraq, above all the need to avoid unsubstantiated accusations of proliferation, are avoided - particularly given that U.S. intelligence agencies admitted recently that Iran is at least 10 years away from making the bomb."

New York Times, 3 May 2006, Very Bad and Worse — the Options With Iran : "Here are two final thoughts, one comforting, one not. First, there is time: Iran appears to be several years from making nuclear weapons..."
New York Times, 15 May 2007, Inspectors cite big gain by Iran on nuclear fuel: " this pace, Iran could have 3,000 centrifuges operating by June -- enough, if the uranium were enriched further, to make one bomb's worth of nuclear material every year."
New York Times, 28 September 2008, An Arms Race We’re Sure to Lose: "...Iran will have produced at least 1,500 pounds by mid-January [2009]. Re-circulated, this could produce 35 pounds of weapon-grade uranium, enough for a bomb. (In fact, this was about the amount called for in the implosion device that Saddam Hussein’s scientists were trying to perfect in the 1980s; according to intelligence sources..."
New York Times, 28 September 2009, Defense Chief Says Iran Faces 'Severe' Sanctions: "Mr. Gates estimated that Iran is still one to three years from a nuclear weapons capability..."
New York Times, 14 April 2010, Officials Say Iran Could Make Bomb Fuel in a Year, "...military officials said Wednesday that Iran could produce bomb-grade fuel for at least one nuclear weapon within a year, but would most likely need two to five years to manufacture a workable atomic bomb."
Only a few grains of sand remain at the top of the hourglass.
And, thanks to Pinch Sulzberger and his posse of useful idiots, Iran's Mullahs will have succeeded in possessing a weapon the likes of which other terrorists have only dreamed.
Not a whit of serious analysis. Not a column-inch on the decades of obfuscation by the U.N. and the I.A.E.A. Not a single sentence devoted to Iran's declaration of war on the West.
This is what passes for a newspaper in the age of nuclear terrorism. The periodical that ignored the Holocaust is doing its best to expedite another act of genocide.
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