
3,000+ welcome Tea Party Express in Clinton, MI: BlogProf
Beware the Tea Party Crashers: RWN
The Democrat Race Lie: B&R
Back to the future: the new campus radicals: NAS
Stupak's disdain for regular Americans: RWN
With 10% unemployment, Obama issues 1M green cards: GWPObama: 'No one I've met is looking for a handout': JWF
Behavioral economics hooey for better living: Fausta
How Fannie & Freddie Foiled Regulators: Tapscott
Unions Pushing States Toward Broken Promises: LegalIns
SEIU Exec: white union members rabidly racist: GWP
New Obama Bio Strengthens Case for Dreams Fraud: CashillQuotes of the Day: Hot Air
Your higher taxes pay for my health care: WashReb
Boston Globe: Correct by Mistake: Wizbang
Coulter on Steele: Democrats attacking him because of his skin color: GWP
A Tour Through Recession America: Hanson
The UK Sinks Even Lower: Muslims Now Allowed To Throw Things To Express 'Protest': JoshuaPunditSocialized medicine at its best: NHS caught harvesting organs: TAB
Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule: Telegraph (UK)
The Two Best Arab Journalists Warn What A Nuclear-Armed Iran Means: BRubin
Moose hunter bags community organizer: GWP
Romanian Immigrant: ‘Let’s say I came from hell’: BMW
The patient as government pawn: Malkin
Missing: 300 Somalis Smuggled Into US By Virginia Man Linked to Terrorists: GWP
CPUSA rush to judgement on Kyrgyzstan…actually a down right lie: Ameristroika
The Amazing Media Habits of 8- to 18-year olds: InsiderA Marvel of Engineering: C&S
Why Renren is better than Facebook: Chinahush
Just to make Huckabee freak out: DPUtodaze public tv get your learn on: SondraK
Capsule Apartment appears in Beijing, 2 square meters each: Chinahush
Today's Larwyn's Linx Sponsored By: PJTV is recruiting citizen-reporters for Tax Day Tea Parties!
"..It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." --Samuel Adams
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