Tuesday, February 03, 2015

ONE CHART IS ALL IT TAKES: The Ludicrous Claims of Obama as a "Deficit-Cutter"

Oh, and did I mention the chart itself comes from the Obama Federal Reserve?

Put simply, any claims linking President Obama to fiscal responsibility are somewhat akin to using Michael Moore as a spokesperson for Jenny Craig.

By the time this walking economic catastrophe has left office, the total federal debt will have doubled. All of the debts rung up in all of American history will have doubled in eight short years.

Every governmental oversight office -- from the CBO to the GAO -- is warning that the debt is "unsustainable". Interest payments on the debt will double in just the next five years, from $266.7 billion currently to $578.3 billion in 2020. And the Obama administration’s forecast shows interest payments rising to $785 billion per year by 2025.

And let's not forget Obama's failure to even talk about the looming entitlement crisis.

The system is headed for collapse. And Obama has only added fuel to the fire.

Hat tip: BadBlue News.


Brian said...

They should give Obama everything he wants- I prefer the quick death to the slow, drawn out variety.

Adam Lensford said...

Obama is doing this on purpose, its called Cloward Pivens look it up.