Liberal pundits have recently found a new epithet for President Obama: "Reaganesque." But for that to fit, our current president would have to do a dramatic about-face, especially when it comes to policy... As America celebrates the 40th president's 100th birthday, the current White House occupant should think about his predecessor's bedrock philosophy and actual accomplishments that led to his success....our president would be wise to delve a bit deeper into his subject. He would find Reagan was successful not because of his personality — his well-known optimism, his ability to communicate — but because he had powerful conservative beliefs that resonated with Americans' own deeply held ideas of right and wrong...
Reagan emanated optimism. He did so because he believed — indeed, he knew — that his principles were the right ones. He believed in individual rights and responsibility, small but effective government, a strong defense and the rule of law.
Comparing how Reagan brought the economy roaring back with Obama's lack of success is instructive...
As they say, read the whole thing.
The MBM hated Reagan. Does this mean they are going around on Obama. Let's hope.
Geez, I thought your Obama As Golfer and Krugman With Umbrella were your greatest works. But you are just hitting your stride, sir. I am in awe.
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