Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Reid,
On Monday Florida judge Robert Vinson issued a ruling on the 26-state lawsuit against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and found the law and its individual mandate to buy health insurance unconstitutional. Following after Virginia Judge Henry Hudson’s decision, the Florida ruling becomes the second significant case to deem the law unconstitutional, throwing into serious question whether it will survive judicial scrutiny. While we wait for the Supreme Court’s final ruling, expected to come down in late 2012 to 2013, taxpayers are presently being forced to pay for billions of dollars to implement a law that may soon be void.
At a time when our country faces an unsustainable $14 trillion debt, we hope there can be bi-partisan agreement that it would be fiscally imprudent to unnecessarily waste taxpayer dollars. Therefore, today we are writing to respectfully urge you to pass legislation halting implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act until the Supreme Court issues a final verdict.Sincerely,
Alex Cortes
Jim Martin
60 Plus Association
Duane Parde
National Taxpayers Union
Heather Higgins
Independent Women’s Voice
Dean Clancy
Vice President of Health Care Policy
Meanwhile the administration says the unconstitutional law will continue to be implemented -- directly contravening the federal court.
Congress must drag Kathleen Sebelius and Eric Holder into a hearing and demand answers as to whether they are complying with the court. And the state attorneys general must petition the judge to hold the administration in contempt.
And that's just for starters.
When Obama is brought up on charges for ignoring the rule of Law, I want to see the journalists from the big 3 networks and papers charged with aiding and abetting.
Without the internet nobody would know the truth.
I was thinking the same thing. If the MSM had made a non biased investigation into Obama, he never would have been elected. Malpractice by the media is the main reason for much of the trouble today and their only punishment is eroding ratings.
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