
A Day In the Life of the Obama White House: GWP
What Guns Would the Founders Ban?: PJM
He "Lied Us Into" The Mandate: LegalIns
The Progressive Disdain for the Rule of Law: AT
Give me liberty or give me health care: PostPartisan
The Obamacare Assault on the Rule of Law: Foundry
Obamacare on the Ropes: WklyStd
Reagan's Values Can Stop 'Bullet Train to Bankruptcy': Cubachi
Does America have a lawyer problem, or a law problem?: ReynoldsHow You Get a 9% Unemployment Rate: Virtuous
Obama pushes for a more litigious society: BH
Tennessee County School Board Fires Teachers Union: RWN
Big Labor Upset at Choice of Charlotte for DNC: Malkin
'Illinois did it, so, y’know, it must be a good idea.': RWN
Climate & Energy
White House's Contemptible Drilling Ban: IBDFury builds over blackouts caused by de-industrialization of America: RWN
With Energy Policy, President Schlemiel Tries the Same Thing Again: PJM
Global Warming Induced Blizzards: The Bitter Clinger Down the Road: Powers
We Spent Billions on Wind Power… and All I Got Was a Rolling Blackout: WUWT
Everybody’s doing it. And if everybody’s doing it, that’s a lot of people doing it.: ProWisFish Wrap: Damned You Evil Republicans Who Want Dirty Air!: RWN
Before Obama Was Elected, Chris Matthews Gushed Over the 'Genius' Who Is a 'Miraculous Gift': NewsBusters
MSM Circles the Wagons Around Obama Admin Over Middle East: BigJourn
John Hinckley Jr -- Pride of the Progressive American Penal System: AmDig
Figures. NY Times Compares Muslim Brotherhood Terror Group to Catholic Church: GWP
Santelli Slams CNBC Panelists for Spinning Jobs Report: MRC
Rasmussen: Bounce gone, strong disapproval back to 40%: Hot Air
The Most Coherent Liberal Argument Against Glenn Beck Made To Date: Looking Spoon (NSFW)
Reagan’s Foreign Policy Legacy: PJMGot Some Skin In the Game?: Near Distant
We need to rethink blasphemy law: UK scholar: Tribune of Pakistan
It is (I hope) not futile to resist the Islamic Borg: RWN
Wikileaks: Obama Gave The Russians Britain’s Nuke Secrets!: NiceDeb
Obama Donor Brought U.S. Embassy To 'State Of Dysfunction': JW
The Obama Administration and the Middle East: A Half-Time Assessment: AT
Public Ed: UK getting ready for 'gay math,' 'gay geography' in primary schools: BlogProf
Canada: Muslims don’t want children in infidel music, mixed phys-ed classes: Creeping
Hackers Penetrate Nasdaq Computers: WSJ$20,000 and a laptop if you can find an exploit in Google Chrome: WikiNoticia
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Party On, Garth: Dana Carvey And Mike Myers Revisit “Wayne’s World” On SNL: Mediaite
Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The President Who Stood By Our Side
QOTD: "The left went ballistic [after the ruling]. They immediately accused Judge Vinson of judicial activism, which translated from the original liberal language means they disagreed with him and lost.
Conservatives have long complained about activist liberal judges, but being an activist judge is about expanding a ruling beyond the limits of the Constitution. Roe v. Wade is often cited as an example of judicial activism. Conservatives claim that those justices in 1973 created a new law out of thin air. Liberals claim that the "right to privacy" merely resulted from a new interpretation of existing law. The matter remains unsettled 38 years later, and judicial activism is still used as a pejorative to describe judges who legislate from the bench.
...those who remove their partisan blinders would see that Judge Vinson was engaging in the exact opposite of judicial activism. His ruling was the epitome of judicial restraint. Strict constructionists adhere to such restraint, while those believing in the unprovable notion of an evolving Constitution are exactly what judicial activism is all about. " --Eric Golub
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