
Congressional Report Blasts 'Propaganda Presidency': PJM
Harry Reid can’t believe I’m a Hispanic Republican: Cubachi
Palin on WTC Mosque: Not Above Your Pay Grade, Barack: NiceDeb
Good News: Border Patrol Forced to Retreat From Border: WZ
Obama vs. the Survivors of 9/11: GoV
The New Abnormal: Doc ZeroThe Free-Marketeers Strike Back: City Journal
Feds to Guarantee Million Dollar Condos in NYC: BigGovt
The Journolist Issue No One Is Bringing Up: No Pasaran
Surprise! Economic Numbers Are 'Worse Than Expected': AT
Do We Really Need a New Tax?: AT
Green Light People: RWNThat "20 Worst Americans of all time" list compiled: Althouse
Charlie Crist Hearts the Ground Zero Mosque: RWN
Actually, Mr. President, that’s not what the Constitution says about the Ground Zero mosque: Surber
Talking Down to a Bigoted Nation: Belmont Club
That New Yorker Cover: Not So Funny Now: Grand Old Partisan
The Enigma of Our Age: Hanson
Post About Coffee Party Decline Removed From Its Website: LegalIns
If Timothy McVeigh had been a Christian: AT
The Koran and the Psychopathology of the Prophet (Part II): GoVRemembering FDR's Historic Shinto Shrine Speech: Hindenblog
Here's Why It's Called the 'Ground Zero Mosque': Malkin
General Petraeus: Not so Fast on That 2011 Troop Withdrawal, President Obama.: WZ
Why Are the Intolerant Preaching Tolerance?: Gutfeld
N.J. rabbi leads Jews, Muslims on interfaith trip to Nazi concentration camps: NJ
Why is the Ground Zero mosque removing web pages, and changing its name?: Creeping
Defeating Rogue Ads: Network WorldChrysler's Gun-Toting Pickup Truck: Fox News
Report: Hurd short-circuited HP board's probe: CNet
The Not-So-Great Generation and the Vision That Dare Not Speak Its Name: AmDigestMystery Solved!: C&S
Spider-Man’s Got Nuttin’ on These Guys: Parkway Rest Stop
Miniature Golf for a Miniature Vacay: MOTUS
Your Ad Here!: MOTUS
Pirate Latitudes: Parkway Rest Stop
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Like Eric Holder? Then Thank John McCain
What a real President would do:
Listen, you people have a hundred mosques in NY City already.
Putting one at ground zero is not going to happen. If you try it,
I will put every one of your mosques under 24/7 surveillance. The IRS will audit your books and any contractor or business that you deal with. Every one of you will be on the “no fly” list and you cars will be impounded. Plus a bunch of other stuff I haven’t thought of yet. As a matter of fact you have too many mosques already; start shutting then down, I’ll tell you it’s enough.
If we had real President
thank you for sharing
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