
Sharpton has branding issues: Ace
Summer of corruption: Another CBC Democrat in trouble: Malkin
Ground Zero Mosque Developer Has 7 Arrests Under His Belt: WZ
Mike Stopa on the Mosque, AGW and ObamaCare: MagNote
Enforcement On ICE: IBD
Think the economy is bad? Worse is coming: TapscottPuncturing the Left's myths about the public pension crisis: Tapscott
How egalitarian policy fueled the crisis: Economist
2% in California say economy is good: Surber
Destroying Jobs at 2.5 Gallons-per-minute: AT
Law School Grads Are Hungry With Rage: WSJ
Climate & Energy
California's Toilet Police: SurberEPA Surrenders to NRA; If Only It Was Unconditional: RWN
Government Eco-Narcs in Cleveland: CBullitt
CBS horrified by sight of black women at Beck rally, demands to know why they're not scared: WZSubliminal Deception: LegalIns
How Big Was the Crowd?: PJM
Palin Media Bias Rears Its Head In Hilarious Wishful Thinking: RWN
Clarice's Pieces: Reach Out: AT
The Knicker Implosion: RWN
He's Right. America Is Better Than This: Surber
Watch Out, Smitty: Rev. Al Sharpton and Code Pink Are Heading Your Way!: RSM
Beck in Body Armor... With Three Bodyguards: American Digest

Obama: Iraq begins and ends with I, I, I: Hot AirIslam outlaws all the things that allow Bloomberg to tolerate it: West
After 30+ years, Carter Finally Freed a Hostage: Carr
The Age of Apostasy: Belmont Club
Why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant: Dewey
Meanwhile, in war crimes news today...: RWN
Russia in Color, a Century Ago: Boston GlobeGreeks 'discover Odysseus' palace in Ithaca: Telegraph
'Anti-Facebook' project nears launch: CNet
Help wanted: San Pablo Bay lighthouse keeper: SF Gate14-year old of unspecified heritage charged with four armed robberies: Whittier Daily News
Our Recovery Summer: We Could Use Those Jaws of Life About Now: MOTUS
Image: Weasel Zippers.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Sharron Angle Kick Harry Reid Out of Office
QOTD: "Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak and that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws." -- John Adams
1 comment:
Don't really know if this fits in your "Media" category, but I wish I'd thought of it first.
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