
Dems' New ObamaCare Message: We're 'Improving' It: RWN
Another Obama recess appointment, another radical: AT
Unmosqued: Tapes Unearthed of 'Moderate' Imam Rauf: Ace
Sleeping With the Enemy: Noisy Room
Oh My: Dino Rossi Ahead of Patty "Tennis Moron" Murray By 7!: Ace
ShoreBank's Faux Shutdown: MalkinVideo: The New Orleans School Voucher Program: BlogProf
How Teachers Unions Abuse Non-Union Teacher Paychecks: RWN
Welfare Bureaucrats Swarm Like Locusts: RWN
First It Was Jobs Saved, Now Obama Counting 'Lives Touched' : JWF
The Ride Down: AT
Climate & Energy
Obama's Stealth Ocean Confiscation: Malkin23,000 workers impacted by Obama drilling ban: WashExam
When You Truly Need Someone To Do Something Stupid, Look For A Climate Creationist: RWN
An open letter to Michael Calderone regarding the definition of ‘Ground Zero’: CallerDNC Pulls Bush Ad: LegalIns
‘How dare you call Obama a Muslim? Not that there’s anything wrong with it…’: Caller
Bitter Clingers in the Mist: Driscoll
Muslims, not Americans, are religious bigots: Tapscott
Ann Coulter vs. WND: WashExam
Tapes Reveal Moderate, Bridge-building GZ Imam Not So Moderate: Nice DebAre They Lying To Us?: GoV
Burqa Banned at Trial: Jawa
Wikileaks Founder Charged With Rape, Molestation in Sweden: TAB
Why Is Accounting Firm KPMG Funding Putin’s Version of Hitler Youth?: PJM
Direct Talk About Direct (Israel-Palestinian) Talks: BRubin
Will Captured Illegal Arms Dealer Link Democrats to the FARC Terror Group?: GWP
The American media's taboo regarding the ineffectiveness of MAD with Iran: AT
U.S. Assures Israel That Iran Threat Is Not Imminent: C&S
Study: Astronauts as weak as 80-year-olds in space: BreitbartFacebook Movie: 'The Social Network' Trailer: YouTube
100 tips essential to being a smarter better twitterer: Jim Grygar
He's No Joe Namath: iOTWGold bullion stolen from Florida treasure museum: Reuters
School for Radical Play Babies: C&S
Obama Doctrine Rollover Fun: C&S
Six Common Baby Names That Might Hurt You: Neatorama
Police bust Paris "booby" trap gang: Reuters
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Thank John McCain for Confirming Eric Holder: Support J.D. Hayworth for U.S. Senate
1 comment:
The latest attempt by the politburo.
They know they have ruined the economy so now they are sending out their operatives with another "change" message. This time its "maybe owning a home is not all that great, renting may be a better deal for most of us" Next it will be "you ate yesterday and your hungry again!"
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