I noticed a cartoon representation of Jesus ... not expecting any Muslims to be concerned for their lives over it. But yes, I am sure they are right and we are the bloodthirsty monsters.
It's coming for reals this time-the fecklessness of President Diapers has pretty much assured it.
What is needed is a WWll level of devastation-then there will be peace for a while. A while. Until we face the fact that radical Islam must be destroyed, our planet will never have peace.
The simple fact is that radical Islam is nothing more than Nazism with a religious book.
They scream from the tops of their minarets calling for the death of the west-I don't get it, what are they leaving us to ponder? When iran nukes up and I believe it already has, then that's game set match.
The freaking mullahs have told us, TOLD US REPEATEDLY & PUBLICLY, that they are willing to sustain millions in casualties to destroy Israel. They are perfecting their missiles, I believe, with the intent of launching an off shore EMP attack on us.
And from us? Frigging bows-good luck with that-hope you all have a stock of canned food, ya know, just in case. MM
I noticed a cartoon representation of Jesus ... not expecting any Muslims to be concerned for their lives over it. But yes, I am sure they are right and we are the bloodthirsty monsters.
It's coming for reals this time-the fecklessness of President Diapers has pretty much assured it.
What is needed is a WWll level of devastation-then there will be peace for a while. A while. Until we face the fact that radical Islam must be destroyed, our planet will never have peace.
The simple fact is that radical Islam is nothing more than Nazism with a religious book.
They scream from the tops of their minarets calling for the death of the west-I don't get it, what are they leaving us to ponder? When iran nukes up and I believe it already has, then that's game set match.
The freaking mullahs have told us, TOLD US REPEATEDLY & PUBLICLY, that they are willing to sustain millions in casualties to destroy Israel. They are perfecting their missiles, I believe, with the intent of launching an off shore EMP attack on us.
And from us? Frigging bows-good luck with that-hope you all have a stock of canned food, ya know, just in case.
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