
Gov. Brewer's Letter to Pres. Obama on Border Security: RWN
House ’shreds constitution for partisan gain’: WashExam
SCOTUS upholds key part of Patriot Act: PJM
Old, left wing narratives die hard: AnBlkCon
Debunking a Pro-Gun Control Study: PJM
Fed Agencies Join Arizona Boycott: ATTeachers' union freaks out over retirement contributions: BlogProf
Democrat Economic Suicide Bombers: AT
Anyone noticed we don't have a budget this year?: AT
Medicare "fix" is just a gimmick: WashExam
1,300 Prison Inmates Get $9 Mil In Homebuyer Tax Credits: Riehl
Climate & Energy
'Green' Energy Company Threatens Econ Professor: PJMThe Drilling Ban Is Soros' Bonanza: RCM
Gulf cleanup workers threaten mutiny: CSM
Ken Salazar gets an ass-kicking. Over to you, Capitol Hill.: Malkin
Plans to Evacuate Tampa Bay Are Put Into Place, Pensacola Beach Closed: GWP
After Overturning Obama’s Drilling Moratorium Leftists Threaten to Kill Judge Feldman: GWP
Media’s 'Standards' On Sex Scandal Featuring Al Gore: RWNDISCLOSE Act attacks freedom of speech: WashExam
Boycott Fox News (?): Ace
I'm Beginning to Believe This Obama Fellow Is Unequal to the Task: Van Voorhees VII
Blame Reynolds: the 39 Confessions of Saint Glenn: AmDigest
Woof: Oh Al, You Dog!: AmDigest
The Leftist 'Purification' Movement: AT
Obama and Dems heading for electoral disaster: York
Daily Kos: 'US Military Not Best and Brightest; Our Sickest and Most pathological Criminals': WZ
I’m not surprised, I’m not shocked, why are you?: Protein WisdomGreece puts part of itself up for sale: ZH
Canada's chief spy: foreign powers control country's politicians: Telegraph
“Who’s your Verisign?” — Malware faking digital signatures: SophosCrab comes out of its shell: Ace
It was bound to happen (Photo o' the day): Black & RightWhat a difference a year makes: MOTUS
This Is The Naked Woman Who Stole Two Cars In Utah: Jalopnik
Images: CNN
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Tim Scott for Congress
QOTD: "When Blago snickers and hams for the camera on his way out of the courtroom of his corruption trial, think of all the the conspirators in spirit that stand with him. This is beyond "joke," well past "disgust," and into something else. The State Government is broken.
In fact, ALL levels of government in the State of Illinois are broken. The Speaker of House gives away tuition to the top university to friends and family like grocery store cheese samples. The Cook County President routinely raids the treasury for contracts to individuals that sell Urban Translation services – what ever that is. And the management legacy of the Mayor of Chicago may be a daily body count number that rivals Iraq, assets sold off to pay for bloated TIF zones, and a charter school system run by highest bidder instead of character and quality of mind.
It's clear we live in a failed State. It is time to outsource our State Government to Iowa or Wisconsin. Blago the Dirty has helped drag this State so low, so deep in the gutter that drastic action is needed; we either outsource this government or like other third world failed states, we ask for the US Government to step in and manage us until a real elected government can be chosen, because only thugs and crooks rule here." -- 'Citizen'
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