
The Phalanx of 41 Must Hold the Line: AT
Is DISCLOSE Dead in the Senate?: LibertyPundits
Robert Byrd Dead at 92: Breitbart
A Brief Discussion About WV Senate Seat Rules: Malkin
The Misplaced Faith in Federal Regulators: RWN
At G-20, Obama ditches press pool... again: RWN
Party Like It's 1773: PJM
We’re Here, We’re Queer and We’re in Abject Denial: iOTW
Federal Revenue and the Economy: ATChrysler's Restructuring Plans: Patterico
Moonshot: Graph of the Day: AT
Climate & Energy
Golfing the Gulf Away: Cold FuryFAIL: Hundreds of Oil Skimmers AWOL: RWN
Day 68: Still No Skimmers Off MS Gulf Coast: GWP
Democratic-Media Complex Comes Under Attack After Weigel Kerkuffle: GWPIt's the Media, Stupid: Marcus
Hitting Thomas Sowell Over The Head With Palin Derangement Syndrome: LegalIns
Vartan Gregorian, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama: Back in the Saddle Again: MagNote
The 2003 Rezko Fundraiser for Obama: Marathon
The Only Thing New Under the Sun: Cold Fury
The Fattest Cats of All: RWN
Welcome to East Germany on the Potomac: Driscoll
Atlas Book Review: the Grand Jihad: Atlas
Iran claims Israel pre-positioning strike force in Saudi Arabia: AceSeeing Iran Plain: Ledeen
Israeli policy in the age of Islamism: PJM
Moonbats on the March: Violence Breaks Out at G-20: RWN
Military-Civilian Relations Better Be A Two-Way Street: Kesler
Protesters Blast Israel at G8/G20 Summit in Toronto: AmPower
Google Streetview's Latest Mystery: Horseboy: Daily Mail (UK)Broadband Availability to Expand: CNet
G-20 Ministers on AGW Payments: GTFO: CBullitt (Language Warning)
Have a Sip of George Washington’s Whiskey: iOTWG-20: the Quicker Picker Upper, eh?: MOTUS
Enter the Dragon: IowaHawk
Image: John L. Wathen.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Joel Pollak for Congress - Defeat Jan Schakowsky.
On Kagan nomination:
“Judges who bend the Constitution to their own values and who use the Constitution to pursue their own vision for society take this right away from the people and undermine liberty itself.”
Orin Hatch
scooped ace by 3 days on the idf in saudiland item
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