• Travel to Makkah (Mecca) and Medina, the cities where the two holiest mosques of Islam are located, is forbidden to non-Muslims.
• The Saudi government forbids the practice of other religions. There are precisely zero churches, synagogues and temples in the country.
• Conversion by a Muslim to another religion is considered apostasy and is, in most circumstances, punishable by death.
• Proselytizing by non-Muslims is illegal, including the distribution of non-Muslim religious materials; if caught doing so, you will be arrested, charged with proselytizing, and forced to serve two or more months in prison.

• The Government requires non-citizens to carry Iqamas, or legal resident identity cards, which contain a religious designation for "Muslim" or "non-Muslim."
• Women do not have the right to drive.
• A teacher in Saudi Arabi was sentenced to 70 months in prison and 750 lashes for "mocking religion" after he discussed the Bible and praised Jews.
But it's American citizens that are intolerant for opposing the construction of New York's 150th mosque -- because it's located at Ground Zero.
What a frickin' crock.
yes, a total crock. but how do you win against someone who is willing to slaughter innocents to make a point?
Well isn't that the whole point? America is different from Saudi Arabia and should have a higher religious freedom than them. Or do you want America to be more like Saudis? Btw it's not a mosque and it's not on ground zero.
Hey some dude ... you're wrong. It IS a mosque and it was hit by a wheel from one of the planes on 9/11. It IS at Ground Zero.
Nope, it's not a mosque. It's a community center. There's gonna be a basketball court and a culinary school. Yes, there's also going to be a Moslem praying room on the upper floor, but it's not a mosque. You don't call St. Mary’s Hospital a church because it happens to have a chapel inside it, do you?
And it's not on ground zero (unless the definition of ground zero is where any part of the plane has fallen). It's two blocks from ground zero. Which is around the same distance from the ground zero there's a porno place.
Islam may have the breeding colonies and population, and recently nukes, but in the war of ideas, Western liberalism and tolerance with outshine and outlast this political movement disguised as religion.
Yep it's a community center just as Auschwitz was a health spa. Wake up, dude, it's a mosque. Oh they can call it a community center but you can bet the bank that it's primary function will be a mosque. And yeah it's not AT Ground Zero but it IS in the shadow of the World Trade Center so why is so insulting to Muslims that Americans feel they want to keep this hallowed ground free from an organ of Islam.
Yes! The best way to commemorate and respect the souls who have fallen on that day, because of some asshole who are so afraid of the concept of freedom and liberty that the united states stands for, is to take away the freedom of some people who have nothing to do with the the initial tragedy.
Well if you can show me some of those Muslims that have spoken out against what happened on 9/11 or any other Islamic attack, then go for it. We aren't talking about taking away their rights, just asking them to show some tolerance and build it elsewhere. It's not like they need their 151 mosque to be right there. Islam is not just a religion, it goes way beyond, telling them everything they can and can't do.
Right... USA should become more like Saudi Arabia
Soon only White Catholics will be allowed to drive there.
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