But the DOJ is not simply infested with racists.

In its attempts to defend its outrageous behavior, the Justice Department has all but bragged that it will also hire Communists. RedState's Moe Lane catches an utterly bizarre statement in the Washington Post's reporting of the whistleblower testimony.
Justice officials tried to turn around the [racism] allegations, pointing to internal watchdog reports accusing the George W. Bush administration of politicizing hiring in the civil rights division. The watchdogs concluded, for example, that the division's former head refused to hire lawyers who he labeled "commies."
Yes, the Holder Justice Department believes that failing to hire Communists -- the very enemies that America battled tooth-and-nail during the Cold War -- is somehow equivalent to institutionalized racism. Screening out the very Communists who would destroy America, apparently, is no longer a concern of the Obama DOJ.
The modern Democrat Party appears to have lost its collective mind. Although, I suppose with the election of Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, we already knew that.
Remember in November.
1 comment:
Interesting post, more interesting is that Title VII (equal rights act) specifically lists communists as being allowed to be discriminated against. Truth be told thats the only group that IS listed.
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