True, the Times' article will most likely appear on page B-17 of tomorrow's fish-wrap of record. Yes, the entire article is roughly three column-inches.
But since the ice was smashed with original reporting by the Washington Post, the DNC publicists at the Times appear to have given up on their information suppression campaign.
If proven true, Coates' allegations represent Watergate-level criminality by the Obama-Holder Justice Department. And the controversy just won't die, thanks to continued, original coverage by Pajamas Media, Michelle Malkin and other new media outlets.
As for the rest of the legacy media's reporting on Coates' testimony, the scoreboard stands as follows:
• ABC News: nothing.
• CBS News: one short AP wire story on 9/24.
• NBC News: one short AP wire story on 9/24.
• Politico: one story on 9/25.
• Los Angeles Times: two articles including substantial original writing.
• MediaMatters: one list of cherry-picked facts using the standard, Soros-approved damage-control format.
Watergate started with a botched break-in. Methinks the Times' reportage represents a real watershed moment in the pursuit of Eric Holder's bizarro DOJ.
I've been following this closely for some time. Even the piece you refer to here is nothing more than an AP story that goes in to NO detail...and it contains at least one very large LIE. Oh well...what else could we expect from Obama's fish wrap of record?
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