
Nuts and Sluts In Delaware: LegalIns
DOJ I.G. will investigate Obama voting rights record: Malkin
Obama Parties While Democrats Run From Their Party: RWN
Anger Is Now Hardened into Resolve: PJM
Is November Just the Beginning?: AT
Get Ready for Your Health Care 'Re-Education': PJMComedy Czar: Recovery Summer Not About Jobs, Stupid: Malkin
Party Time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: RWN
Geithner the Stooge: Denninger
Reflections on Mark Hurd: Brenner
Lather, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat: SondraK
Record Increase in Poverty Under Obama: RWN
Economic Doomsday? Dr. Doom Thinks So...: Ace
CabbageGate: Taking a Leaf out of the Forgotten Man: Driscoll
Climate & Energy
Obama jobs death toll watch: 150,000 more energy jobs in danger: MalkinObama Hails Opening of Michigan Plant That Makes $33,000 Car Battery: GWP
Good news: Feds spent $18,000 to monitor negative media coverage of BP oil spill: Hot Air
Responding to Paul Mirengoff at Power Line: Mark LevinWe Are The Ones Who'll Show You The Door: AT (Cary)
Pax Americana (1949-2010): AT
Did Castle Vote to Impeach Bush?: Power Line
Why Christine is Surging: 3 Ads from Tea Party Express: RWN
He Said/She Said: SondraK
Why Blog Con Mattered So Much: RWN
The First Inaugural BlogCon 2010 (27 Pics): RWN
Evan Sayet's Right2Laugh: Series Premiere: RightNetwork
'I Heart The Mosque' Shirts Printed by Moondhimmis to 'Challenge Islamophobia': WZIslam, Islamism, and Moderation: PJM
IPT: Ground Zero mosque official is 9/11 Truther, sits on board for 9/11 Truth org: Jawa
Reaping the Whirlwind: AT
Mexico Arrests El Grande: Fausta
Muslims Attack Hindus in India: A Warning For the West?: Chesler
Somalia: Islamists Execute Christian Leader, Kidnap His Children to Convert Them to Islam: WZ
Copenhagen Bombing Suspect Still a Mystery: Jawa
Pics from the Front: WZ
US scientists learn how to levitate tiny objects: ReutersMicrosoft’s Response to Russian Scandal: Volokh
What are telecom, tech firms spending on lobbying?: InternetNews
Video: Meet the man who won the Medal of Honor: Hot AirMemory Hole: Munich Massacre Week: LegalIns
Epic Beatdown of Megan McCain: Ace
Images: Mike Lynaugh.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Right2Laugh: Series Premiere
1 comment:
It is really funny to see Mrs. Malkin call for 'calm'.
It is laughable really.
She has offered some of the most divisive tenor for years. She has already expressed an 'unhinged' demeanor towards the Bush Administration.
Like Obama and Democrats, she now says in the face of someone who writes a silly letter to challenge her - stop the ugly expression.
But Mrs. Malkin has aided this Fashionable IDENTITY politics, which has an overt AUTHORITARIAN nature - declaring their 'know it all' judgement for those who offer a differing opinion.
It is as if they feel so Omnipotent, so filled with EGO over the years of book deals and tv appearances.
Mrs. Malkin wrote:
""I’m not going to deride or disown my friends in the blogosphere or anywhere else because we disagree. That’s, well, unhinged"
Well, I guess this is a confession of Mrs. Malkin being unhinged, for she has done this repeatedly.
This is someone who called Mrs. Meiers a "bellhop" and said, "I told you so" that GW Bush would NOT sign the Border Fence Bill prior to the 2006 Election. She was wrong, and never offered a genuine, top of the Blog, apology and retraction.
Mrs. Malkin has been a symbol of "Deride Or Disown" so many over the years. Including some of the finest Americans who are on the good side, trying their very best for this Country.
A writer who has never run for Office, never managed on the level of a serious CEO, has offered the most hyperbolic reactionary offerings at times.
And Mrs. Malkin should know better, being very savvy, intelligent, etc. She is one of Our best and brightest, but has bizarrely encouraged one of the most emotive mindsets amongst Conservatives.
Her offering after 2004 was entirely regretful, being lost in reactionary FASHION. The stubborn devotion, the inability to admit mistakes, is quite evident. There is a sincere failure of this talented Pundit, to be able to offer a constructive effort, and encourage a positive movement which attracts all.
Bashing Democrats in the harshest manner is easy, for they are truly deserving, being quite pathetic.
But to burn the entire place down, using the same vitriol for ALL, is unseemly. Americans deserve better than this, and Conservative Pundits should know better.
This is not the sound movements of REAGAN and BUCKLEY. Even Mr. Limbaugh is laughably talking Class Warfare with Republicans - offering juvenile "Ruling Class" this "Blue Blood" that, etc.
It is no wonder why the likes of Malkin, Limbaugh, etc., have such horrid approval ratings in the USA. As a fan, I tried to encourage a more attractive approach, but they are stuck on division - a game of deride and disown on a daily basis.
It is very sad to see, and will always end up weakening in the long run.
If these Conservative Celebrity Pundits were so wonderful, with the rise of the Conservative Media over the past years, why are we seeing the opposite in the rise of the Democratic Party's power?
They simply are not thinking clearly, and should step back, and regroup. Enough of this garbage, the Conservative Witch HUNTING is destructive. Attract all to join the right side of history, don't make uneeded enemies with your own HUBRIS and EGO.
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