I've got an opportunity to infiltrate a town hall meeting next week. Although the meeting is supposed to be hush-hush -- to ensure that only drones attend -- I got a heads-up from a friend in city government.

So this hack, I mean, the incumbent Democrat representative, is a hard-core leftist. She's 100% supportive of the Pelosi-Obama-Reid agenda. To enter the meeting hall, I intend to disguise myself as a Democrat. In other words, I'll dress like a tenured professor, paint a goofy grin on my face, don a Che t-shirt, and wear an
SEIU4Life hat.
Once I'm in, Doctor Jay will videotape my question to her. But here's where I need some help. I could use a piercing, intimidating question that can only get her in trouble with the voters.
Suggestions appreciated.
Deficits are too high and are only projected to get even higher.
Since the highest tax receipts the US TREASURY ever collected were during the Bush Administration, (and since tax rates haven't YET changed much), don't you agree that the deficits we now have are a result of the shrinking economy and a huge increase in spending and that THEREFORE to DECREASE DEFICITS and increase revenues the best policies to enact would be ones that promote economic growth and reduce spending - and not tax increases and spending increases which retard growth?
Or do you think that the problem with our economy is that we are taxed to little and the federal government still doesn't spend enough of our money?
With a perfectly straight face ask what the congressperson proposes to do next year with the savings from Obamacare, and how much the savings will be.
Sit back and roll tape while they squirm.
You could ask her what clause of the Constitution authorizes Obamacare/Stimulus/TARP/...
In a very think accent, ask if she has a Spanish translator.
Your question will be why illegals from Nicaragua aren't allowed to vote for her.
But seriously, ask how long until we have One World Government and the UN will be running everything.
It has been my experience that trying to get a leftist to admit to some inconvenient fact is like trying to nail down jello. There will be an amazing display of mental agility to dodge the question but if that proves too difficult, the last refuge is to attack the person who demands a plausible answer.
Good luck
How about this one:
"Do you think that members of the Tea Party movement are racists?"
Easy question, How many 1099's do you think Office Depot will get as a result of the Health Care law?
I know this doesn't match your needs, but the only thing I have to say to my Senator is:
"I will not be your slave."
Unfortunately, all the leftist politicians I have ever met are either too stupid to know what I am talking about or too evil to care.
I would ask what it was within the Obamacare law that made it right for the people but not for the elites of congress.
Anonymous 9:41 pm wrote:
"With a perfectly straight face ask what the congressperson proposes to do next year with the savings from Obamacare, and how much the savings will be.
Sit back and roll tape while they squirm."
I think you have a winner.
How's this? Or a more polite variation...
Somehow liberals know that increasing cigarette prices (and increasing regulations that prohibit smoking) cause people to smoke less. And somehow liberals know that increasing taxes on energy causes people to use less energy.
So how come liberals can't see that raisng taxes on businesses and people who create the most wealth - meaning job creaters - will be hurtful to all of us??????
"Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?"
Sometimes, the classics work the best.
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