Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, was on the CSPAN “Newsmakers” show this morning. Asked whether the Employee Free Choice Act will be considered in Congress this year, Trumka said: “I think you’ll see the Employee Free Choice Act come up again. I think you’ll see it probably before the end of the year.”
Before the elections or in a lameduck session? Trumka: “Either one.”The reason the Employee Free Choice Act has not passed Congress is because 40 Senate Republicans have blocked it, he said.
Oh, pshaw, Trumka. The reason EFCA has not passed is because the American people are overwhelmingly opposed to what the bill would do, opponents have made an effective case that “card check” and forced unionization are antithetical to democratic principles and economic growth. The legislation is extraordinarily unpopular, which is why key Senate Democrats joined Republicans in preventing the bill’s consideration on the floor this Congress.
If it were popular, the President would have already signed the Employee Free Choice Act into law instead of planning to put its provisions into effect through Executive Orders, presidential nominations, and regulatory enactments. (See Shopfloor post, “If EFCA Won’t Pass the Senate, We’ll Turn to Federal Labor Boards.”
Trumka also continued pounding the table for more federal stimulus spending, dismissing concerns about the federal deficit, saying we have a jobs crisis in this country, not a deficit crisis. (UPDATE, 10:58 a.m.: Here’s the exact quote: “We have a job crisis right now, we don’t have a debt crisis right now. The only thing that can possibly make this recession, and this recovery from not stalling and going back into recession is if government continues to do some stimulus spending. And unfortunately, the states aren’t in a position to do that, so it’s going to take aid from the federal government.”)
Yes, by all means, let's force Americans into unions whether they like it or not.
Because unions have been so successful for California, GM and Chrysler.
It would seem like the Democratic party is both Repressive and Oppressive.
Repressive in wanting to return to the old and discredited ideas of Marx.
And Oppressive because they want to oppress basic freedoms.
Beyond California...
we can see the disaster in NJ, MI, MA, NY, LA, PA, etc.
Union + Democrat = Expensive Failure for All
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