Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: WikiLeaks Founder Assange Arrested in UK

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Is the DREAM Act DOA?: RWN
WikiLeaks Founder Assange Arrested in UK: WashExam
Obama Caught Cooking the Books on Deportations: Patterico

Ding-Dong, the Hillary Clinton Era is...: LegalIns
Power Corrupts: AT
NY-1: Judge Reviews Ballots--Illegal Democrat Voting Suspected: RWN


Deal With the Devil: Malkin
Hey, Let's Bankrupt Social Security!: Surber
Figures: Fed has $110B Problem With New Benjamins: WZ

Let the Triangulation Begin!: Ace
Liberal Math: Hanson
Staggering Medicaid Fraud: Wolf Files

Put Uncle Sam on an Allowance: AT
Obama caves -- Bush tax cuts remain: GWP
Even Obama’s debt panel doesn’t buy Obamacare: Pethokoukis

Climate & Energy

Idiocy Alert: UN says illegal immigration caused by global warming: GWP
Eco-Diplomacy, The Chicago Way: IBD
WikiLeaks cables reveal how US manipulated climate accord: Guardian (UK)


FCC Commissioner Wants to Control the Content of Broadcast Media: AT
Mark Halperin: Obama Will Need Some "Luck" To Become Popular Again, You Know, Like A Terror Attack: Ace
“Obama and the State of Progressivism, 2011″: ProWis

Me & Mrs. Sherrod -- And The $1.25 Billion Pigford II Black Farmers' Settlement: Breitbart
Krauthammer on Obama's Televised Tax Announcement: He Was Addressing Daily Kos, NYT and MoveOn: NewsBusters
Anti-Gun Nut Picked to Head ATF: RWN

On the unhelpfulness of defining the boundaries of unhelpfulness: ProWis
ANWR demonstrates just how messed up today's eco-whackjobs are: RWN
Is the government trying to find out who has what?: NoisyRoom


Dereliction of Duty: Leaked cables reveal a presidency's ongoing national security failures: PJM
Wikileaks Gives Terrorists a List of Targets: Patterico
"Boomerang Bombs" Used Against Iranian Scientists: LegalIns

Qatar: the Wrong Destination for World Cup 2022: PJM


Radiologists, you've come a long way baby: Wolf Files
Android Map App Will Get 3D Buildings, Compass Orientation, And Offline Capabilities: TechCrunch
ReWalk exoskeleton on sale in January, for a price you can't afford: Engadget


The Daily Scoreboard: Surber
Those Who Serve: Kesler
Hey, Remember When Networks Had Battles?: Ace

Image: Moonbattery.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The Second Annual PUK Awards

1 comment:

Old Fan said...

GREAT LINKS, thankfully without the R-World nonsense.

SURBER rocks - top notch.

This has to be a personal favorite:

"Anyway, I have had to come to accept that most people respect Clinton, despite the disgusting amount of evidence that paints her as a nefarious opportunist with lies spewing out of her every pore. I have been lulled into a state of submission in my tirade against her since it only brings me frustration in a generation of women indoctrinated to think that ol' Hillary is a brilliant victim."

Mr. Jacobson offers some fine doses of reality here.

The thing is, he hints at some of the theories as to why the terrible Clintons get a pass all the time - especially from some Conservatives.

One has to remember the enormous failures of the Clintons, not only failing to bring the World Cup to the USA, or the Olympics to NYC. They are as left as any, having snobbishly trying to Nationalize Health Care, as Hillary 'hugged' Nancy recently for passing Obamacare.

The Clintons not only foolishly treated Radical Muslim Terrorism as merely a law enforcement issue after the first bombing in 1993, they gave us major appeasement efforts, utter impotence in foreign policy, and even foolish National Security limitations, like the Gorelick Wall making the USA much more vulnerable to attack.

The Clintons actually gave Enron major FED LOAN Guarantees, provided the States with the biggest tax increase in US History, and even began the Mortgage Meltdown in the early 90's with the foolish exploitation of Hud-Fannie-Freddie.

This was a disastrous Clinton Administration which lied about the Genocide in Rwanda, appeased Arafat and North Korea, allowed an insane transfer of highly dangerous technology to China - including multiple warhead capability in return for illegal campaign donations.

You could not have a more disastrous 8 years in the executive branch - and the perception simply doesn't match reality. Without the Republicans in the Congress, we would have seen the same thing we see today. The Clintons even fought against Welfare Reform - which is often considered the only successful reform from the Clinton Era.

Conservatives must never quietly cede the ugly Clinton reality, simply out of fear of the perception. The Clintons symbolize the disastrous Democratic Party - filled with lies, ignorance, slander, divisive intent, fraud, socialist waste, weakness, appeasement, etc.

If we want to encourage sound policy, better representation, we must inform all to the folly of the Democratic Party as a whole, and the Clinton Malfeasance is a major example of the disaster.

Thank you.