
Biden: Romney is ‘going to put y’all back in chains’: Exam
Romney’s Best Speech of the Campaign: RSM
Clinton Chief of Staff on Ryan: ‘This Guy is Amazing.’: WS
Sans Teleprompter, Obama’s Mask Slips, Again: Nice Deb
Damage Control: "Back In Chains" Remarks: WZ
Black Like Us: The Race Clownery of Obama-Biden: Malkin
'We can win North Carolina again!' says Biden… in Virginia: Hot Air
WaPo Poll: 60% of Democrats Support Voter ID Laws: WZ
Obamacare Doubles Premiums for Many Americans: ATRMorning Bell: Taxpayers’ Auto Bailout Losses Mounting: Foundry
Great news: Weather service needs 46,000 hollow-points: MagNote
Obama in 2009: 1/3 of Obamacare Funding is from Medicare: WS
Dem Sen. Wyden tries to disclaim Ryan Medicare plan: Q&O
Once again, Obama lies about the Great Recession: AEI
Obama’s "Educational Excellence" Initiative: Williams
President Obama Cranks Up The American Welfare State: IBD
Romney’s right: Obamacare cuts Medicare by $716 billion.: WaPo
Scandal Central
$9B in ‘Stimulus’ for Solar, Wind Projects Made 910 Final Jobs – $9.8M Per Job: AcesObama's Strange Dependence on Valerie Jarrett : AT
Sleaze: IL State Workers Forced to Attend Pelosi-Jackson Dinner on Taxpayer Dime: GWP
Climate & Energy
Obama Administration Sneak Attacks Fracking Operations Through DOT Regulation: SABWhat the Coming Debates Will Sound Like: Geraghty
The Sound Of Settled Science: SDA
Sununu to CNN host: 'Put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead': TimesMatt Lauer Exposes Obama Campaign Doublespeak on Paul Ryan: AIM
Joe Biden Suuuupppper Genius!: Ace
AWESOME – New Romney Ad eviscerates Obama over massive Medicare cuts: Scoop
Notably unhorrified women, young people, and senior citizens cheer Ryan in Colorado: Hot Air
Admit It, I Scare The Ever-Loving S*** Out Of You, Don't I?: Paul Ryan, The Onion
I Don't Want Palin At The GOP Convention: Riehl
“60 Minutes” Omits Ryan’s Comments on Medicare : AIM
The Ultimate Obama Voter (NSFW): Soylent
Giuliani Wonders Whether Biden Has ‘Mental Capacity’ for Presidency: Corner
MSNBC Host Uses Racism and Class Warfare to Attack Declaration of Independence: MB Thinks Paul Ryan’s a Nazi: Shark Tank
Russian attack submarine sailed in Gulf of Mexico undetected for weeks, U.S. officials say: BeaconPew Research Institute Releases Telling Survey of World's Muslims: Radical
Obama sides with an unlikely ally in Syria: RWN
DIVERSITY! US Army Promotes First Openly Gay General: SHN
Carl Higbie Navy SEAL: Politics Have Infiltrated Military – Battle on the Home Front: MagNote
Is Muslim Brotherhood Paying Huma and Weiner Rent for $3.3M Apartment?: MagNote
From Altair to iPad: 35 years of personal computer market share: Ars TechnicaApple and Microsoft in secret agreement not to sue each other over smartphone patents,: Telegraph
Matt Fisher: Progressive Insurance is lying, they did too defend my sister's killer: BoingBoing
If you build it, they will come. But wait! You didn’t build that!: MOTUSOMG! Cute Overload: Rare Sand Kittens Born in Tel Aviv: Bruce
What The Fluke Is This Arch Made Of?: Cube
Image: Spreading the Wealth, by Stanley Kurtz
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Occupy the Truth: Make your voices heard on August 18th in Cleveland!
QOTD: " This is your choice, America: an approach that Obama’s own debt commission co-chair calls “sensible, straightforward, honest and serious” … or dog-on-the-roof jokes and an accusation of a return to slavery." --Jim Geraghty
1 comment:
on the issue of the weather service needing hollow points, NOAA actually has a very small (around 100 officers) law enforcement group tasked with enforcing fish and game laws on the high seas. so while it sounds strange, there is a logical basis for it.
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