
USS Enterprise Captain Relieved of Duty in PC Witch Hunt: RSM
Alexander, GOP senators rally behind traditional filibuster rules: DC
Speaker Boehner: The revolution will be livestreamed: sisu
'New Speaker Vows to Share Power—a Tricky Proposition': ProWis
Bill Daley to become new White House chief of staff?: TAB
Ornery Repubs Talking Smack in Washington: Nice Deb
Filibuster “reform” pretty much going as assumed: Hot Air
We’re Keeping Tabs Now: The GOP Lame Duck Scorecard: PJM
Obama's Massive Land Grab: RWNObamacare's War on Doctors: IBD
Economics By Cartoon: Amity Shlaes
UAW deems being in a union a 'fundamental human right': BlogProf
Preview? Euro States Seizing Private Pensions: RWN
New federal law makes interns qualified to teach: SFGate
Climate & Energy
Guardian: UK Met Office Withheld Christmas Freeze Forecast: TABGood News! Global Warming Still Causes Snow And Cold!: RWN
UN IPCC shill 'roundly trashed' even by fellow Warmists: Depot
Chicago on the Potomac: MalkinDennis Miller's "The Big Speech" a Very Big Deal: PunditPress
Dede Scozzafava goes to work…for Andrew Cuomo: Malkin
CNN’s Wright-Free Zone Anchorman Joins Fox News: Driscoll
Attack of the Radical Egalitarians!: AT
Obama’s Encouraging Prediction: Republicans Will Play to Their Base: Malkin (Powers)
A Few Brief Thoughts on a Sarah Palin ReTweet: Tammy Bruce
Levin rips healthcare lies spewed by Rep Wasserman-Schultz: TRS
Boehner Making Calls for Maria Cino: Roll Call
The START Debacle - Stupidity, Cupidity & Duplicity: WolfAfghan Christian Faces Potential Death Sentence for Apostasy: Persecution (hat tip: Zilla)
Coptic Editor of Egyptian Weekly Pens Scathing Denunciation of Egyptian Regime, Society: MEMRI
Why Israel Is Losing the Information War: AT
Video: Female Jihadists Training to Fight Israel, Turn Themselves Into Human Bombs: WZ
Mexico's lone gun shop can't compete with black market: Seattle Times
Waiting for the PLA Shoe to Drop: Foundry
Vulture tagged by Israeli scientists, is arrested by Saudi police for spying (seriously): Cubachi
Muslims seen as threat by 4 in 10 French, Germans -- poll: Maktoob
Man uses computers to discover four planets: CNetInvesting Dying as Computer Trading, ETFs and Dark Pools Proliferate: CNBC
AT&T Service for Your Pill Bottle: WSJ
Kathy Griffin Without Makeup: iOTW (Strong content warning)New Smart Roadster Design Inspiration: Robslog
Vanity License Plates Contest Winner: iOTW
Photos: 25 Unsung, Working Actors that Died in 2010: RWN
UFC Champ Jacob Volkmann Wants To Fight 'That Idiot' Obama: HFA
AGU Elects Vaunted Scientist Danny Glover El Presidente: CBullitt
Image: Barking Crayon.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The Senate Conservatives Fund
Another great roundup, Doug (thanks for the Hat Tip). I don't know how you find the time to do it while inundated with all the anonymous trolls that have been showing up on every post you make lately, I guess it's just another aspect of your awesomeness. I'm off to go see Kathy Griffin with no makeup now, glad there is that warning in red so I can be prepared!
It's funny that you think that pissing people off makes him more awesome. What childlike mindset you must have.
It's funny that you mention childlike mindsets...
Crux of liberal argument: effectively restricting access is not an official ban.
That's it?
Keep kicking and screaming, moron. It's so un-childlike.
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