
Paul Ryan slices and dices Obamacare: RedState
Prosecutors put a lid on Dupnik: Malkin
The Hate Speech Inquisition: Malkin
Herman Cain: We must defund racist Planned Parenthood: Cubachi
Dems push Obama for stricter gun laws: WZ
House Passes ObamaCare Repeal 245-189: SHN
4 Reasons the Repeal Vote Isn’t Just Symbolic: RWN
The Crown Jewel of Socialism: GWP
How to cut $2.5 trillion in federal spending by 2021: DeMintObama Administration: Trading Away Our Secrets: IBD
Socialism And Speaking Spanish Via FCC Decree: RWN
Report Card on Obama's First Two Years: AT
'Americans love Obamacare because it reduces bureaucracy': WZ
Granholm 5 years ago: 'In 5 years, you'll be blown away!': BlogProf
Climate & Energy
Green Follies Escalate in the Face of Failure: ATThe Assault on Drilling Is Onshore, Too: Foundry
Liberals Who Hate Profits but Profit from 'Green Jobs': AT
We Just Witnessed The Media's Test Run To Re-Elect Barack Obama: LegalInsJohn Lewis pleads: “We want you racists back!”: Aces
The War Against Palin Goes On and On and …: Hanson
Civility Watch: Nazis and crosshairs and killers, oh my: Malkin
Mud Libel: Coulter
How to Appeal to Hispanics: DON’T!: PJM
In Norway, an Awakening to the Islamist Danger: PJMNational Archives Ordered to Show “Iranium”: GoV
Canadian Cabinet Minister Stands Up to Iran: AmSpec
Mission Accomplished: Hu’s the Boss: RWN
Harry Reid Tells the Truth, Quickly Recants: Malkin
Irony in The Mideast: First They Came For The Christians…: BigPeace
Flying the Terrorist Flag in Washington: AT
Gaza Defender Hired To Teach Middle East At Brooklyn College: Kesler
Why China's Currency Isn't America's Biggest Problem: AtlanticWire
AT&T Making Text Messaging Cheaper As Free Text Messaging Apps Get More Popular: InsiderGoogle's Niels Provos battles malware on the Web: CNet
Researchers turn USB cable into attack tool: CNet
Obamas have Chinese for dinner: DiogenesParasites, Two Ways: MOTUS
Teen Thieves Snorted Cremated Remains -- thought they were cocaine or heroin: TSG
Hawaii Governor Unveils Obama’s Birth Certificate: SHN
The Joys of Socialism: WZ
The Best Hand Dancing Yet: Dale's Designs
Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Porker and Spitzer
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