Writing at Zero Hedge, Tyler Durden describes the implications of this week's unemployment numbers. In a nutshell: they appear to be an outright scam.
Even as the BLS [Bureau of Labor Statistics] and DOL [Department of Labor] would like us to believe that the unemployment picture is getting better, we present a chart comparing the initial and continued claims as presented by the Dept. of Labor and compare these to actual government outlays. Even as the two combined series have been declining (offset by increasing much discussed EUCs), the most recent Unemployment Insurance Benefit outlay reported by the Treasury (as of March 30 - there is still one more day of data for March), just hit an all time record high of $15.4 billion. What this means is that in March the average paycheck from Uncle Sam for sitting doing nothing, surged to an all time high of $1,447/month....It appears that in March either the government decided to payout an additional roughly 20% per unemployment paycheck, or once again, there is a shadow population of beneficiaries, which are not caught in any of the standard cohorts. Keep in mind that the average monthly paycheck has traditionally been indicated as being about $1,000.
If anyone has an explanation other than that presented by Tyler Durden, I'd welcome it.
Because it's quite disturbing to believe the administration is lying about ev-ery-thing.
Well start being disturbed because what ever comes out of their mouths is a LIE!! When are the American public and the media going to believe Rush??!!?? The guy is always right! He said it from the very beginning of this hot mess Obama is doing it on purpose! I'm tired of defending the obvious and people should apologize to Rush ASAP. And in the future if the pundits and the media doesn't go by what this man says they are all scamming us, period!
Compare BLS (government) figures to ADP (privately reported) figures. Note the increasing differences in the last six months.
Per John Lynch's ADP chart, *both* the BLS and ADP data seem to pretty clearly show that total employment has fallen by roughly 9 million since BO took office.
The sheer, in-your-face audacity of the Dems, the Lying Bastard and Rahm in pushing the phrase "saved or created" while actually losing 9 million jobs is breathtaking.
Imagine the reaction of the press (lying bastard wing of the Dem party) if Bush had tried to get away with crap like that!
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