Furthermore, the SEIU is one of the chief contributors to the states' budget woes. The Pew Research Center puts the states' public sector union pension shortfall at roughly one trillion dollars. Who will make up that gap? The rank-and-file SEIU members and the taxpayers, to be sure.
Even before Barack Obama was elected President, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) was one of the most powerful labor groups in the land. Its two million members were levied taxes in the form of dues, most of which were then funneled into Democratic campaign coffers. Nearly half of its members are government employees.

Since Obama's election, the SEIU's power has grown stronger and its antics more outrageous. SEIU President Andy Stern is reported to have been the "SEIU official" who attempted to broker a deal between Rod Blagojevich and the White House over Obama's Senate seat. In the transcript released by federal law enforcement officials, the "SEIU official" offered to "send up a flare" to determine whether an SEIU 501(c)(4) group could be used to reward Blagojevich.
The fact that Barack Obama would name a man like Stern to this kind of commission shows that (a) he is indeed a hard-core ideologue; and (b) he doesn't give a gnat's crap about any budget deficits.
After all, you can never waste a good crisis.
This year has seen a lot of progress. First it was the outrage of the month, the week, the day and now, the hour.
It bothers me that news like this is not surprising. It sickens me that probably nothing will be done about it. November can't get here soon enough for me.
What if the Obama Dems are able to muster all the government workers, non-taxpayers, welfare collectors, Acorn "voters" and the "always vote Dem no matter What" gang and there are few losses for them? The result could be a permanent splitting of the country.
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