Tonight’s stunning financial piece de resistance comes from Wyatt Emerich of The Cleveland Current. In what is sure to inspire some serious ire among all those who once believed Ronald Reagan that it was the USSR that was the “Evil Empire”, Emmerich analyzes disposable income and economic benefits among several key income classes and comes to the stunning (and verifiable) conclusion that “a one-parent family of three making $14,500 a year (minimum wage) has more disposable income than a family making $60,000 a year.” And that excludes benefits from Supplemental Security Income disability checks...America is now a country which punishes those middle-class people who not only try to work hard, but avoid scamming the system. Not surprisingly, it is not only the richest and most audacious thieves that prosper – it is also the penny scammers at the very bottom of the economic ladder that rip off the middle class each and every day, courtesy of the world’s most generous entitlement system...
You can do as well working one week a month at minimum wage as you can working $60,000-a-year, full-time, high-stress job.
First outlined by Columbia Professors Cloward and Piven in their blueprint for the destruction of American capitalism, the Democrat Party's dual policies of limitless welfare and open borders have finally succeeded.
America stands on the brink of economic catastrophe. The 2010 elections were a hopeful beginning, but only a beginning. We must unwind the treasonous policies of the progressive left and leave them no more a political force than the Whigs.
Hat tip: RightNetwork's Jim Hoft.
Medicaid is not an INCOME. You don't get a Medicaid check to spend. Just because the people in the higher income column don't qualify for Medicaid doesn't mean they're paying for medical expenses out of pocket.
I'm not sure who you work for, but most of us (even with insurance)must at minimum pay co-payments at every doctor visit and prescription. In addition most people must pay a percentage of every medical expense until the "out of pocket" amount is met at which time the insurance then picks up the whole cost. So if all your medical expenses are paid and you never have to pay anything then it is a net gain for your income by my thinking.
it's not a net gain of INCOME. it's a reduction in EXPENSES. most people don't use the maximum, so saying the maximum is an actual income amount is misleading.
it's not like people who only use $10,000 get the other $6500 in their pocket.
Why work? Somebody else will carry my load.
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