
When did we stop treating treason as treason?: ProWis
CableGate: Obama's Katrina Times Ten: AT
Heritage Report Warns U.S. Not Ready for EMP Attack: RWN
Dems Should Seek Eric Holder’s Resignation: Adams
Red Democrats #1: Lynn Woolsey's Communist Party Event: Noisy
Three Million People Have Access To Data Manning Leaked?: Ace
Wikileaks Confirms: John Kerry is a Moron: GWP
Something Wiki This Way Comes: RightNet
Another Sign Unions Losing Influence: PubForumObama Announces Federal Pay Freeze--After Generous Raises: AT
The Irish Emigrated Here And So Will Their Financial Woes: Insider
Critical Middle-Class Tax Cut Vote Coming Right Up: Mish
Congress: Investigate Pigford Claims Before Funding 'Em!: BigGovt
Consumer Spending Fallacy Behind Keynesian Econ: BigGovt
Climate & Energy
Climate Conference Echo Chamber: RedStateEPA Fraud: Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf Actually Get Only 23, 25 MPG: PJM
Cancun Climate Summit Scientists Call for **Rationing in the Developed World: Malkin
Washington Set to Control Your Light Switch: BigGovt
UN Bans Climate Change 'Denier' From Cancun Meetings: GWP
Survey: 60 Percent of Americans Oppose Raising Taxes on Nation’s Oil and Natural Gas Industry: BMW
'Two Papers in One': DriscollLiberal Hypocrisy: Valerie Plame 'Outed', Wikileaks 'Heroes': PunditPress
The Thomas Friedman Bubble: RWN
Howard Dean: Bring Back the Fairness Doctrine Because Fox 'Makes Stuff Up': NewsBusters
Classic: HuffPo Commenters on the Oregon Bomber: RWN
Profiles in Treason -- Your Media At Work: TAB
Back to Zero: What Justifies Bloated Media Matters Budget?: Equalizer
Sarah Palin Slams Obama Administration Over Inept Handling of Wikileaks Disaster: GWP
Sharia Law Is Already Here: AT
Is China About To Throw N. Korea Under The Bus?: RWNGoodbye Irish Sovereignty: EU Commissioner Issues His First Directive As Overlord Of The Emerald Isle: ZH
Icky Leaks: Julian Assange Is Wanted On Rape Charges: AmGlob
Rumor Confirmed: Obama Traded Missile Shield for Russian Help With Iran That Never Appeared: Ace
Authorities React to Oregon Bomb Plot by Fretting About Islamophobia: RWN
Axis of Evil: One Down Two to Go: AmPower
Iranian Nuclear Scientists Getting Stux in the Net: Patterico
Death in Teheran: Stuxnet Continued: Simon
Nuclear scientist killed in Tehran was Iran's top Stuxnet expert : DEBKAfile
The 15 Most Brilliant New Ideas We've Seen This Fall: InsiderOriginal Game Boy becomes a web app: CNet
Apple, Android to take out PC sales - Gartner: FT
You can tell it's Mattel... it's swell!: ProWisNew Robo-Shirt Designs: MNR
Maybe She Should Have Auditioned For The Uruk Hai: CBullitt
Images: XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System, Fox News.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Conservative 100: Most Popular Conservative Websites, November 2010
Many thanks for the link!
LL is really doing mighty fine.
Very interesting.
HERE is a big one:
"The leaked cables make it impossible for Hillary Clinton to continue as secretary of state."
Conservatives and Republicans should absolutely be suggesting an investigation be offered, and agree Mrs. Clinton should indeed step aside.
Some may equate this with prior offerings, but Mrs. Clinton is busted with her fingerprints all over this mess - and yes it is overt, not standard procedure. It is truly Orwellian in nature, and reveals a mindless out of focus on sincere priorities.
WIKI revealed what we expected, Hillary is running the State Department in a very troubling manner - bizarrely focused on 'personal control', while the big priorities burn.
On a related WIKI DUMP note, someone should get a hold of Ms. O'Donnell - for this is truly embarrassing.
.“O’Donnell does like Hillary and took to her Twitter account to praise her handling of the WikiLeaks document dump. “You go girl,” O’Donnell tweeted.”
Mrs. O’Donnell is on track to be exploited by Democrats for a long time (encouraged by the Palin endorsement), and she seems eager to play the game. This is truly misguided.
Thinking Hillary handled this fiasco well?
Oh my…
Does Ms. O’Donnell really think she can play the Democrats for a future career?
This mimics some of the folly of the good side, which still mistakenly views the Clintons as more moderate than the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, etc.
Does Mrs. O'Donnell realize Hillary Clinton once tried to Nationalize US Health Care? Or hugged Nancy when Obamacare passed?
re Mattel 'Tommy burst" ad:
I had all the cool toy guns in the early 60s. You should watch the Mattel Fanner 50 ads from the 60s to see some realistic firearms for kids.
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